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Nerodivergent Masking
Neurodivergent Masking.. what is it?
And why is it something we need to talk about so urgently?
The math of loneliness…
Therapists habitually rail against loneliness as a sign of our social atomization…
But a new 2023 study offers some hard math on loneliness, and some surprising findings…
What’s a neurotype?
If we could ever keep clinically apace with the consistent stream of discovery coming from neuroscience, then we’d eventually get up to speed in helping neurodiverse couples with an enhanced, and richer couples therapy experience.
Unfortunately… we’re not there yet.
Science-based couples therapy for twice-exceptional couples
The phrase "twice-exceptional" is used to describe humans who not only enjoy exceptional intellectual gifts, they’ve also experience learning, developmental or relational challenges uncommon to unexceptional humans.
3 Kinds of couples therapy for neurodiverse couples
When you’re working with neurodiverse couples, you must establish with concrete AF clarity upfront:
Are we dealing Relationship-Building?
Relationship-Clarifying, or Relationship-Ending?
More therapy interventions for Neurodiverse Couples…
The best interventions are profound, and elegant.
Here are two powerful interventions used with neurodiverse couples in Brain-Informed Neurodiverse Couple Therapy…
What is Brain-Informed Active Listening?
What is Brain-Informed Active Listening?
…And how can neurodiverse couple convey authentic effort?
The problem of eye contact and Implicit Ableism…
Effectiver neurodiverse couples therapy starts with understanding the pitfalls of implicit ableism…
What’s Brain-Informed Neurodiverse Couples Therapy?
Neurodiversity, as a human difference has received little academic attention in mental health training programs, until recently.
What is Brain-Informed Neurodiverse Couples Therapy?
Exploring hobbies vs. special interests: a discussion of neurotypical and neurodiverse differences…
Neurotypical spouses have hobbies… but sometimes a neurodiverse spouse will have a special interest that feels like a hobby on steroids… how do you manage these sorts of differences?
How to mind read, if you absolutely must…
In my last post, I described how social science research nailed “mind reading” as a particularly toxic habit in intimate relationships.
But Industrial psychologists love mind reading research. I guess they fantasize about a highly efficient hive-mind… but I digress…
If you must mind read… here is what you should know…