What Happy Couples Know Daniel Dashnaw What Happy Couples Know Daniel Dashnaw

Get the Gouge and Embrace the Suck for Life and Legacy

In military slang, "the gouge" refers to vital information, tips, or insider knowledge that helps service members prepare for tests, evaluations, or assignments.

This concept can be wonderfully applied to science-based couples therapy, which offers essential tools, hacks, and strategies for navigating and enhancing intimate relationships.

Additionally, the military phrase "embrace the suck," which means to accept and endure difficult situations, also holds valuable wisdom for couples therapy. Let’s explore how these concepts from military slang can be applied to couples therapy to improve life and legacy.

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What Happy Couples Know Daniel Dashnaw What Happy Couples Know Daniel Dashnaw

5 Touch Types to Transform Your Relationship

When most long-term couples think about affection, they often picture either a quick peck on the cheek or a full-on romantic encounter.

But as I often remind couples, falling into the trap of equating sex solely with intercourse can limit your potential for both affection and intimacy.

According to sex therapists Barry McCarthy and E. McCarthy in their book "Enhancing Couple Sexuality," this mindset leads to lower levels of both affection and intercourse.

To avoid this trap, let’s consider how you and your partner discover and communicate about the various types of touch you each enjoy.

Spoiler alert: there’s a whole spectrum of touch to explore.

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What Happy Couples Know Daniel Dashnaw What Happy Couples Know Daniel Dashnaw

How the Gottman repair checklist can help you rapidly repair with your partner

In his book, The Science of Trust, Dr. John Gottman explains that 91% of our time spent together as a couple is spent as a foursome…because when you’re not emotionally available with your real partner, you may be in deep communion with the partner in your head.

That’s why this post talks to you about one of the most powerful interventions in science-based couples therapy…the Gottman Repair Checklist.

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What Happy Couples Know Daniel Dashnaw What Happy Couples Know Daniel Dashnaw

The science of asking for a favor

Ever hesitated to ask for a favor, fearing rejection or revealing your own insecurities? You're not alone. But here's the kicker: you're actually 50% more persuasive than you think!

Why? Psychological research shows we often underestimate our persuasive powers. People comply with our requests far more often than we imagine.

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