Signs of Trouble Daniel Dashnaw Signs of Trouble Daniel Dashnaw

What is the NARBO Model?

Treating folks with narcissistic traits can be challenging due to their resistance to acknowledging their issues and their tendency to manipulate or blame others.

The NARBO model can aid clinicians in maintaining a clear framework for understanding these behaviors and developing targeted interventions.

Dr. Ramani Durvasula is a clinical psychologist and a leading expert on narcissism, having extensively studied and written about narcissistic personality disorder and its impact on relationships and individuals.

Her insights can be valuable in understanding the NARBO model components and their clinical application.

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Signs of Trouble Daniel Dashnaw Signs of Trouble Daniel Dashnaw

Stress bragging: Why flaunting your stress is the new office faux pas

Stress talk is an emerging workplace habit — but why do people do it and what is the effect?

When people ‘brag’ about how much stress they are under, they do it because they think it makes them look better to co-workers and others. This is but another emerging manifestation of Cultural Narcissism.

However, a study finds that ‘stress bragging’, as the researchers term it, only serves to make braggarts seem less competent and less likable.

Worse, stress bragging makes the braggart’s colleagues and those around them feel more stressed and burnt out.

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Signs of Trouble Daniel Dashnaw Signs of Trouble Daniel Dashnaw

Breadcrumbing in Relationships

Breadcrumbing in relationships is when one partner gives the other small, sporadic, and often insincere signals of interest, stringing them along without any intention of pursuing a serious or committed relationship.

This frustrating behavior can leave folks feeling confused, undervalued, and emotionally exhausted.

Let’s look deeper into the signs and underlying motivations of breadcrumbing and how to address it in science-based couples therapy.

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Signs of Trouble Daniel Dashnaw Signs of Trouble Daniel Dashnaw

Am I dating a narcissist? quiz

In today's world, everyone wants a quick way to detect if their significant other is secretly a self-absorbed megalomaniac.

This quiz aims to offer a few good questions with genuine insights to help you navigate the tricky terrain of modern dating.

I've crafted each question to shed light on key narcissistic traits, while also poking a little fun at our collective obsession with diagnosing narcissism.

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Signs of Trouble Daniel Dashnaw Signs of Trouble Daniel Dashnaw

10 Lingering signs of narcissistic abuse

Narcissistic abuse can leave deep scars, often manifesting in subtle behaviors and patterns long after the abusive relationship has ended.

Recognizing these signs can be crucial for healing and moving forward. Here are ten lingering signs of narcissistic abuse that many survivors may experience.

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Signs of Trouble Daniel Dashnaw Signs of Trouble Daniel Dashnaw

8 questions a narcissist can not answer

When you're dealing with a narcissist, asking certain questions can feel like you're throwing a wrench into the gears of their self-perception machine.

Here are 8 questions that a narcissist simply can't answer honestly.

While this might make for some awkward conversations, it's a fascinating glimpse into the mind of someone who just can't see beyond their own reflection.

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Signs of Trouble Daniel Dashnaw Signs of Trouble Daniel Dashnaw

Triangulation and Flying Monkeys

Navigating the narcissistic landscape is like stepping into a surreal circus, where the ringmaster isn't just wearing a top hat but wielding a psychological whip of manipulation and control.

Today, we're diving into the curious and confounding realms of "triangulation and flying monkeys," two terms that sound straight out of a whimsical fairy tale but are, unfortunately, all too real in the landscape of narcissistic abuse.

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Signs of Trouble Daniel Dashnaw Signs of Trouble Daniel Dashnaw

What is Flying Monkeys Narcissism?

Flying Monkeys are a concept deeply embedded in the dynamics of narcissistic abuse, as elucidated by thought leaders in the field.

These folks, unwittingly or willingly, become the enforcers of the narcissist's agenda, perpetuating the cycle of abuse.

Dr. Ramani Durvasula, a renowned clinical psychologist and expert in narcissism, describes flying monkeys as "the foot soldiers of the narcissist's army," highlighting their role in carrying out the narcissist's manipulative tactics.

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Signs of Trouble Daniel Dashnaw Signs of Trouble Daniel Dashnaw

Stonewalling? 7 powerful and effective ways to stop

Stonewalling is an often involuntary physiological defensive response to a sense of feeling overwhelmed. It is grounded in a fear of conflict and a desire to mitigate anger and escalation.

Because most stonewallers (85%) are men, it is challenging for their partners to accept that stonewalling is their body’s automatic go-to method of self-soothing.

It’s an evolutionary adaptation that simply doesn’t work in intimate relationships. In many cases, it’s a misbegotten attempt to “calm things down.”

Stonewalling typically starts out with a male partner becoming physiologically overwhelmed and failing to advise their spouse of that fact…

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Signs of Trouble Daniel Dashnaw Signs of Trouble Daniel Dashnaw

Understanding the dance between obsession and Borderline Personality Disorder

Navigating relationships can often feel like dancing through a minefield, especially when one partner exhibits symptoms of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD).

I've witnessed firsthand in therapy sessions the intense emotional rollercoaster that partners experience.

One of the most challenging aspects of BPD is the relationship between obsession and the disorder.

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Signs of Trouble Daniel Dashnaw Signs of Trouble Daniel Dashnaw

The emotional arc of a Borderline female in relationships

Many women with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) are particularly complex.

As a couples therapist, I've observed the emotional highs and lows that characterize these relationships.

This post will explore the emotional journey of a borderline female moving through a relationship, from idealization to the repetitive cycles that often ensue.

We'll examine these 7 key stages and incorporate insights from thought leaders to enrich our understanding.

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