Inlaws and Extended Families Daniel Dashnaw Inlaws and Extended Families Daniel Dashnaw

Understanding the role of narcissism in scapegoating families

Narcissism is the bedrock of scapegoating in toxic families. It can play out in intriguing and sometimes destructive ways.

Narcissism can deeply influence family dynamics, characterized by a grandiose sense of self-importance, a need for excessive admiration, and a lack of empathy.

In a narcissistic family system, scapegoating is a handy method to unfairly blame one family member to maintain a fragile balance or to deflect attention from deeper issues and avoid narcissistic injuries.

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Inlaws and Extended Families Daniel Dashnaw Inlaws and Extended Families Daniel Dashnaw

Is There a Romeo and Juliet effect in couples therapy?

Is there a Romeo and Juliet Effect in couples therapy?

In 1972, a paper published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology suggested that there was a “Romeo and Juliet effect” in early-stage relationships.

The study concluded that the more parents try to interfere, the stronger that bond of young love becomes.

We now know that study is utter bullsh*t…

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Inlaws and Extended Families Daniel Dashnaw Inlaws and Extended Families Daniel Dashnaw

5 Methods toward Mastering Boundaries with In-Laws…

Maintaining healthy boundaries with in-laws is essential for fostering positive relationships and preserving harmony within families.

As family dynamics evolve, navigating these boundaries can be challenging but crucial for individual well-being and familial cohesion.

Drawing insights from family therapy experts, we explore the best practices for establishing and maintaining boundaries with in-laws…

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