Nerodivergent Masking

Saturday, December 9, 2023.

Neurodivergent Masking and Its Impact

Navigating a world designed for neurotypical expectations prompts many neurodivergent humans to engage in Masking – a complex and nuanced phenomenon.

In this blog post, I’ll provide an overview of neurodivergent Masking. We’ll also consider a number of elements, but I can assure you, we will by no means exhaust the subject in this one modest blog post.

When it comes to Masking, it’s useful to reflect on the reasons behind it, and the subsequent impact it has on neurodiverse humans and their intimate relationships.

Defining Neurodivergent Masking: The art of camouflaging…

Neurodivergent Masking refers to the practice of concealing one's neurodivergent traits in order to navigate social situations more smoothly.

It involves adopting behaviors, gestures, and communication styles that align with neurotypical expectations, often at the expense of one's authentic self-expression.

The utility of Masking: coping mechanisms and social survival…

Masking is not a singular behavior but a spectrum within itself, with various motives, forms, and structures. We will be revisiting the topic of masking again in upcoming blogposts.

For many neurodivergent humans, masking is a coping mechanism developed in response to societal pressures, bullying, or a desire for social acceptance. It becomes a survival strategy in a world that may not always appreciate neurodivergent perspectives.

Internal struggles: The toll on mental and emotional well-being

Masking exacts a toll on the mental and emotional well-being of neurodivergent humans.

The internal conflict between authenticity and societal expectations can lead to anxiety, depression, and a pervasive sense of isolation.

Understanding these internal struggles is crucial for therapists, educators, and individuals themselves.

Masking may involve:

  • Adjusting your tone of voice.

  • Remembering to use specific facial expressions.

  • Providing either the reality, or semblance of eye contact.

  • Modifying speech patterns, (tone, pitch, prosody, volume, pacing, word or idiom selection, etc.).

  • Remembering to offer congruent body language.

The neurodiverse provide this accommodation in an effort to these changes in an effort to comply with dominant social norms.

Impact of Neurodivergent Masking on mental health

Masking and camouflaging can cause significant stress for neuro-minorities.

And complying with neurotypical expectations is fundamentally different from how neurotypical humans tend to respond to social cues.

In other words, While neurotypical humans might modulate their behavior in order to optimize their social success,

Masking and Camouflaging are essentially defensive strategies to prevent a social gaffe.

Masking is a double-edged sword. on the one hand, it is linked various detrimental effects such as:

  • Extreme exhaustion (mentally, physically, and emotionally) and anxiety.

  • Ongoing bouts of anxiety, depression, loss of identity, lack of self-worth.

  • Suicidal thoughts and behavior.

  • Masking tends to delay diagnosis, and as such is a barrier to effective intervention.

  • And, of course, the risk of meltdown, or burnout.

Neurodivergent masking seeps into relationships, creating complex dynamics between life-partners, friends, and family members. Unbeknownst to neurotypical counterparts, masked behaviors can strain communication, foster misunderstandings, and exacerbate emotional distance within relationships.

Recognizing Masking behaviors: signs, signals, and subtleties…

Identifying neurodivergent masking requires a nuanced understanding of behavioral cues, verbal and non-verbal communication, and context.

Through examples and case studies, we can unravel the subtleties of masking behaviors and the impact they have on individual well-being and relationships. In upcoming blog posts, I’ll discuss some actual case studies.

What is the role of therapists, educators, and advocates regarding Masking?

Professionals play a crucial role in recognizing and addressing neurodivergent masking. Therapists, educators, and advocates can create spaces that encourage authenticity, providing support and strategies for navigating a neurotypical-centric world without sacrificing one's true neurodiverse self.

Therapists may play a pivotal role in creating safe spaces for clients to unmask in science-based couples therapy. I can help with that.

Through empathetic listening, validation, and a non-judgmental approach, therapists can empower neurodivergent humans to explore and express their authentic selves.

Effective communication is foundational to unmasking in interpersonal relationships.

A good couples therapists can guide couples in developing communication strategies that bridge the gap between neurodivergent and neurotypical experiences, fostering understanding and connection. I can help with that.

Embracing Neurodivergence: A call for a massive cultural shift…

The cultural shift toward embracing neurodiversity involves challenging societal norms and dispelling misconceptions. By reframing neurodivergence as a source of strength and uniqueness, we can foster an environment that celebrates diversity rather than pathologizing differences.

Empowering neurodivergent humans involves providing them with tools for their self-advocacy.

This includes building resilience, developing self-awareness, and fostering a sense of community that validates and supports neurodivergent experiences.

Final thoughts

Neurodivergent Masking is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon that permeates various aspects of a neurodiverse human’s life.

It’s an oppressive social justice issue as the neurodivergent face scorn within their social lives, employment, or schooling are because their brain doesn’t work the way it “supposed to.”

As we strive for a more inclusive and understanding society, it is imperative to unravel the layers of neurodivergent masking and appreciate the unique richness that neurodivergent humans bring to the human experience.

By fostering empathy, promoting solid psycho-education, and advocating for cultural change, we can create a world where authenticity is celebrated, and everyone can thrive unapologetically as their true selves.

Be well, stay kind, and godspeed.


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