How to Fight Fair Daniel Dashnaw How to Fight Fair Daniel Dashnaw

I have an angry husband…why?

Men who don’t explicitly learn how to calm themselves down will typically respond to criticism with the other three horsemen; stonewalling, defensiveness, and contempt.

It takes a little psycho-education to understand that a man’s nervous system can work against him with intimate others.

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How to Fight Fair Daniel Dashnaw How to Fight Fair Daniel Dashnaw

What is Haidt’s Moral Foundation Theory?

Jonathan Haidt's book The Righteous Mind offers valuable insights for couples struggling with political differences.

According to Haidt, our moral judgments are based on six foundations: care/harm, fairness/cheating, loyalty/betrayal, authority/subversion, sanctity/degradation, and liberty/oppression.

When couples understand that their partner's political views are rooted in these deep-seated moral foundations, it becomes easier to empathize and communicate.

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How to Fight Fair Daniel Dashnaw How to Fight Fair Daniel Dashnaw

The neuroscience of perpetual marital problems

One of the outstanding contributions of neuroscience and Gottman’s research is the notion of perpetual vs. solvable marital problems.

When a science-based couples therapist is assessing a new couple, it’s crucial to ascertain whether their problems are solvable or perpetual.

Gottman’s research shows that 69% of relationship conflict is about perpetual problems.

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How to Fight Fair Daniel Dashnaw How to Fight Fair Daniel Dashnaw

Help! My husband picks fights with me!

Disagreements and conflicts are natural in any relationship, but when your husband consistently instigates arguments and then shifts blame, it can create a toxic dynamic that erodes trust and intimacy.

Let’s explore the underlying reasons for this behavior and offer a few strategies to address and resolve these conflicts constructively…

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How to Fight Fair Daniel Dashnaw How to Fight Fair Daniel Dashnaw

Resentment… the relationship killer…

When anger and resentment dominate your relationship, it can feel like there's no way out.

The constant fighting leaves you drained and hopeless, with divorce seeming like the only solution.

However, even in the midst of hostility, there is hope. Healing resentment is possible, and it can save your marriage…

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