Extramarital Affairs Daniel Dashnaw Extramarital Affairs Daniel Dashnaw

The Ultimate Question in Affair Recovery: Will I Ever Be Able to Trust Again?

Infidelity doesn’t just fracture trust—it shatters it. The moment an affair is discovered, the betrayed partner is often thrown into a state of shock, disbelief, and deep emotional pain.

The partner who was unfaithful, meanwhile, is frequently drowning in a cocktail of regret, shame, and fear about what happens next.

And then, inevitably, the golden question emerges: “Will I ever be able to trust my partner again?”

For the betrayed, this question is more than just a fear—it’s a desperate search for solid ground.

They’re grappling with the realization that the foundation of their most significant relationship has cracked in ways they never imagined.

Often, self-doubt creeps in: How did I not see this coming? Am I naive? Was I ever truly loved?

For the unfaithful partner, the weight of this question is equally heavy.

They may wonder: How do I prove I’m trustworthy again? Will anything I do ever be enough?

So, is rebuilding trust possible?

The short answer is yes—but it requires work, and it doesn’t happen overnight. And while every couple’s journey is unique, there is a foundational formula that can provide structure and guidance in the aftermath of betrayal:

Trust = Honesty + Consistency

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Extramarital Affairs Daniel Dashnaw Extramarital Affairs Daniel Dashnaw

Is Emotional Infidelity Cheating?

Emotional affairs don’t happen in a single moment; they evolve in quiet increments, slipping under the radar of what we traditionally define as infidelity.

Unlike physical affairs, which are easier to label as betrayal, emotional infidelity exists in a murky in-between—where innocent friendships subtly transform into something more intimate, more secretive, and more consuming.

In an era where digital connections thrive, emotional affairs have become an area of heightened clinical concern.

What starts as a friendly conversation with a coworker or a reconnection with an old acquaintance on social media can spiral into a deep, emotionally charged attachment that threatens the stability of an existing relationship.

The emotional energy that once fueled intimacy with a partner is now invested elsewhere. But when does a friendship cross the line into infidelity?

The answer often depends on one key factor—how your partner feels about it.

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Extramarital Affairs Daniel Dashnaw Extramarital Affairs Daniel Dashnaw

Love’s Grand Larceny: How Dominance and Prestige Turn Mate Poaching into an Art Form

In a world where romance sometimes feels less like a candlelit dinner and more like a mischievous caper, new research suggests that your personality might just determine whether you’re the flamboyant burglar or the debonair safecracker of hearts.

Conlon (2025) recently unveiled findings in Evolutionary Psychological Science that shed light on how self-perceived dominance and prestige influence the tactics of mate poaching—that is, the audacious attempt to steal someone from an existing relationship.

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Extramarital Affairs Daniel Dashnaw Extramarital Affairs Daniel Dashnaw

A Critique of Esther Perel’s Position on Transparency in Infidelity

In one of her books, Esther Perel writes:

'It was a momentary lapse in judgment – I was drunk and I deeply regret it,' says Lina, who’d been engaged only a few months when a night of partying after her college reunion ended in an ex’s bed. 'If I tell my fiancé, I know it will destroy him. His first wife left with his best friend, and he always said if I cheated on him, it was over.'

Perel muses:

Yes, she should have thought of that before. But should her slip-up derail their whole life?

Perel’s framing of infidelity and secrecy as complex moral terrain deserves careful examination.

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Extramarital Affairs Daniel Dashnaw Extramarital Affairs Daniel Dashnaw

14 Signs Your Husband Is Missing His Affair Partner: A Discussion of Post-Infidelity Grief

There’s a moment in every betrayal story when the affair ends.

Maybe he got caught. Maybe she dumped him.

Maybe he woke up one morning, looked in the mirror, and decided to be a better man.

Regardless of how it happened, the affair is over. And yet—something feels off. He’s home, but he’s not home.

He looks at you, but he’s looking through you. He reaches for your hand, but there’s no grip, no warmth. You ask him how he’s feeling, and he gives you the dead-eyed “I’m fine.”

And then, one day, it hits you like a gut punch. He’s grieving.

Not the loss of your marriage—he’s grieving her. The affair partner. The forbidden, intoxicating, all-consuming fantasy that slipped through his fingers.

And where does that leave you? You—the one who stayed, the one who held your heart together with duct tape and sheer willpower, the one who still, against all odds, wants to make this work?

You deserve to know what’s happening. And, more importantly, you deserve to know what to do about it. This post is for you.

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Extramarital Affairs Daniel Dashnaw Extramarital Affairs Daniel Dashnaw

Rebuilding Intimacy After Emotional Infidelity

Emotional infidelity can be just as devastating as physical betrayal, leaving partners feeling disconnected, betrayed, and uncertain about the future.

Unlike a physical affair, emotional affairs strike at the core of trust, creating deep wounds that can linger long after the deception has been exposed.

However, for couples willing to commit to healing, rebuilding intimacy is possible.

This post explores the challenges, steps, and research-backed strategies for restoring emotional and physical closeness after emotional infidelity.

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Extramarital Affairs Daniel Dashnaw Extramarital Affairs Daniel Dashnaw

Lying to Your Therapist About Infidelity: Sabotaging Your Own Growth

Let’s get one thing straight: if you’re lying to your therapist about infidelity, you’re not fooling anyone except yourself. Therapy is a space designed for honesty, growth, and healing.

By hiding a critical truth like infidelity, you’re undermining the entire process and wasting everyone’s time—yours, your therapist’s, and possibly your partner’s.

This blog will break down why people lie, the consequences of that deceit, and why owning up is the only way forward.

Why Do People Lie About Infidelity in Therapy?

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Extramarital Affairs Daniel Dashnaw Extramarital Affairs Daniel Dashnaw

Do Men Spend More on Their Mistresses Than Their Wives? The Surprising Truth About Gift-Giving in Relationships

The image of the unfaithful man splurging on lavish gifts for his mistress while neglecting his wife is a tale as old as time—or at least as old as Hollywood.

Think Love Actually, where the affair partner gets the expensive necklace, leaving the wife with… well, not much.

But what if this stereotype isn’t true?

According to new research published in Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences, men don’t actually spend more on gifts for their affair partners.

In fact, both men and women invest more in their long-term relationships, reserving fewer resources for extramarital or casual connections.

This revelation turns a common trope upside down and offers fascinating insights into how we show love and commitment.

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Extramarital Affairs Daniel Dashnaw Extramarital Affairs Daniel Dashnaw

Cheating in the Digital Age: How Boomers, Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Z Handle Infidelity in Unique Ways

Cheating may be one of the oldest relationship dilemmas, but the way people define, experience, and meme about it has evolved significantly over time.

Each generation, from Boomers to Gen Z, has shaped its own narrative around loyalty, trust, and boundaries, often reflecting broader social and technological shifts.

For a couples therapist, understanding these generational views can provide insight into how couples today approach fidelity and navigate its potential breaches.

Let’s take a closer look at how Boomers, Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Z approach infidelity, both online and offline.

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Extramarital Affairs Daniel Dashnaw Extramarital Affairs Daniel Dashnaw

How Infidelity Changes Both Partners: Understanding the Emotional Impact on Couples and Their Children

Infidelity can create seismic shifts in relationships, altering both partners' emotional landscapes and rippling out to affect the entire family system.

While betrayal causes pain and can undermine trust, it also forces both partners—and sometimes their children—into a new phase of self-reflection and relational change.

As Esther Perel, a leading voice on modern relationships, states, “Affairs are way less about sex and a lot more about desire: desire for attention, desire to feel special, desire to feel important.”

Understanding how infidelity changes both partners involves exploring the intricate ways it reshapes their self-perceptions, communication, and the family dynamics they inhabit.

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Extramarital Affairs Daniel Dashnaw Extramarital Affairs Daniel Dashnaw

The Flirting Paradox: Why Anothers’ Attention to Your Partner Can Cool Your Desire

Choosing a partner is one of life’s most consequential decisions, profoundly impacting one’s future trajectory and quality of life.

The search itself presents numerous challenges, from the time investment required to the risk of deception or misjudgment.

So, it’s no wonder humans have developed strategies to help identify good potential partners while minimizing effort and risk.

One common approach is to observe how others respond to a potential mate.

Have you ever found someone more attractive after seeing them receive positive attention? This phenomenon, known as “mate choice copying,” occurs in both humans and animals.

It’s a shortcut we use to identify desirable partners.

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Extramarital Affairs Daniel Dashnaw Extramarital Affairs Daniel Dashnaw

How Narcissistic and Borderline Personality Traits Shape Reactions to Infidelity: A New Study

New research from the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health offers fresh insights into how narcissistic and borderline personality traits can intensify emotional reactions to infidelity.

The study shows just how these traits shape the emotional fallout from cheating, especially when the relational lines get blurred.

Pssst… if you or your partner have these traits, infidelity is one heck of an emotional minefield.

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