Extramarital Affairs Daniel Dashnaw Extramarital Affairs Daniel Dashnaw

How to end an affair with a married man

Ending an affair with a married man is a complex and emotionally charged process. It requires a deep understanding of personal boundaries, emotional resilience, and often, the support of professional guidance.

This post will discuss the essential steps to end such an affair, informed by social science research and expert insights on infidelity.

We will also explore the intricate dynamics when both parties in the affair are married and what recent research in the USA has revealed about such situations.

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Extramarital Affairs Daniel Dashnaw Extramarital Affairs Daniel Dashnaw

What is a conflict avoidant couple affair?

A Conflict Avoidant couple affair, like all affairs, has a straying spouse (we'll call them the involved partner or IP), and a hurt partner, who we'll call the HP).

Conflict-Avoidant couples can have either partner in the role of the Involved Partner.

The essential characteristic of Conflict Avoidant couples is a smothering blanket of civility and regulated courtesy…

sound familiar? read on…

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Extramarital Affairs Daniel Dashnaw Extramarital Affairs Daniel Dashnaw

Post-COVID infidelity patterns in America: a social science perspective

The COVID-19 pandemic profoundly affected various aspects of life, including intimate relationships.

Recent observations suggest that patterns of infidelity in America have experienced notable shifts in the post-COVID era.

This post explores these trends, providing insights from couples therapy thought leaders to enhance our understanding.

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Extramarital Affairs Daniel Dashnaw Extramarital Affairs Daniel Dashnaw

Emotional affairs

What Are Emotional Affairs?

An Emotional Affair is more than just a close friendship; it involves a deep emotional connection that crosses the boundaries of a platonic relationship.

These affairs often begin innocently but can escalate into something significantly impacting a primary relationship.

Emotional affairs are a common issue addressed in intensive couples therapy retreats.

How do Emotional Affairs begin?

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Extramarital Affairs Daniel Dashnaw Extramarital Affairs Daniel Dashnaw

What is Affair Recovery?

What is affair recovery? Is it possible to recover from infidelity? How do you begin to address such a profound breach of trust?

Healing from infidelity is possible.

But it requires an emotional, spiritual, and mental determination to recover into a fully-functional restored intimacy stubbornly. Here’s a roadmap…

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Extramarital Affairs Daniel Dashnaw Extramarital Affairs Daniel Dashnaw

Children of infidelity

Our culture values fidelity. When parents break it, they break their vow not only to each other but also to their children.

Children of infidelity want to be part of a loving family… but once they’re adults… can they truly trust their intimate partner?

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