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Why you will marry the wrong person
Marriage: a journey of love, commitment, and occasionally wondering why you agreed to share your life with someone who doesn't understand your obsession with obscure board games or think that leaving dirty socks around is a serious crime.
The truth is, many of us will marry the wrong person. Here's why:
11 Unusual treatments for insomnia that you’ve probably never heard of
Tossing and turning, counting sheep until they unionize?
You're not alone.
Around 30% of adults have short-term sleep issues.
Many people say a good night's sleep is at the top of their wish list for a better life. But let's face it: getting quality sleep can feel as tricky as finding a unicorn in your backyard.
Poor sleep can mess with your memory, attention, performance, and overall alertness. But. fear not, gentle reader!
Here are 11 tips that are sure to turn your sleep from a nightmare into a dreamland.
7 Reasons a partner gets discarded by a narcissist
Getting discarded by a narcissist is like being ejected from a ride you didn’t even realize you were on.
One moment, you’re their everything, and the next, you’re wondering what hit you.
Here’s a deeper dive into 7 reasons a narcissist might decide to discard you.
Neurofeedback: A guide to equipment and benefits
Neurofeedback, a type of biofeedback, is a therapeutic intervention that trains folks to alter their brain activity.
By monitoring brain waves, neurofeedback helps in optimizing brain function, which can lead to improvements in various mental health conditions, cognitive performance, and overall well-being.
What Makes a Great Comedian? Insights from personality studies and social science research
In the world of comedy, the factors that make a great comedian are often subjective.
One person's favorite comic might leave another unimpressed.
However, academic research suggests that there are certain personality traits that many successful comedians share.
Recent studies have explored these traits, drawing fascinating connections between humor, mental health, and audience relationships.
How to Stop Being a Narcissist
Narcissism, often viewed through the lens of grandiosity and self-absorption, is a complex personality trait that can significantly impact interpersonal relationships and overall well-being.
For those wondering "how to stop being a narcissist," understanding the roots of narcissistic behavior and exploring effective treatment methods is crucial.
This discussion will consider the psychoanalytical tradition of long-term talk therapy and compare it with treatment approaches implied by Dr. Craig Malkin’s work.
We’ll also examine how narcissism has become a cultural frame, gnawing away at our collective empathy.
The 2 types of people narcissists tend to avoid
Narcissists are known for their cunning ability to charm, manipulate, and influence those around them.
Their survival strategy revolves around acquiring narcissistic supply, which comes from the admiration, attention, and validation they receive from others.
However, not everyone is susceptible to their tactics.
In fact, there are two distinct types of folks that narcissists tend to avoid like the plague: those with strong discernment and those who are self-sustaining.
Let’s explore why these two groups are the kryptonite to a narcissist’s manipulative superpowers, with insights from thought leaders in psychology and relationships.
Understanding the Misleading Language of Depression
Many people struggle to understand their depression due to the way it's described by professionals.
Depression, as a diagnosis, is simply a description of symptoms, not an explanation of their causes. Contrary to common belief, a low mood isn't caused by depression—it's a symptom of it.
However, many authoritative websites misleadingly portray depression as the cause of its own symptoms.
A study analyzing leading mental health organizations, such as the American Psychiatric Association and the World Health Organization, found that most describe depression as causing low mood, lack of motivation, and other related symptoms.
Why the narcissist stops having sex with you
The cessation of sexual activity in a relationship with a narcissist is really not all that complicated.
Narcissists often exhibit behaviors that can be confusing and hurtful, particularly in intimate relationships.
Understanding why a narcissist might stop having sex with their partner requires only a brief reminder of their psychological makeup, relationship dynamics, and the impact on the non-narcissistic partner. Narcissists are usually quite predictable.
13 Signs of a Narcissistic Wife
Is your wife a mystery wrapped in an enigma and topped with a sprinkle of chaos? You might be dealing with a narcissistic spouse.
Understanding these traits can help you navigate the emotional minefield with a little more ease and humor.
Here are 13 signs to watch out for…buckle up!
Understanding the Freeze Response
In the spectrum of automatic responses to threat, the freeze response is often overshadowed by the more well-known fight or flight responses.
However, freezing plays a crucial role in survival, giving individuals time to decide on the most appropriate action in dangerous situations.
This response, though seemingly passive, is a sophisticated strategy that allows for heightened awareness and deliberation.
What is the most neglected relationship question online?
The most neglected relationship question on the internet is arguably:
"How can we effectively navigate and reconcile differing values and long-term goals in a relationship?"
Why is this question so often overlooked?