7 Reasons a partner gets discarded by a narcissist

Monday, August 5, 2024.

Getting discarded by a narcissist is like being ejected from a ride you didn’t even realize you were on.

One moment you’re their everything, and the next, you’re wondering what hit you.

Here’s a deeper dive into 7 reasons a narcissist might decide to discard you.

When You Expose Their True Character

Narcissists are the kings and queens of creating a facade.

They carefully curate their image to appear flawless, charming, and all-knowing.

You've essentially committed the ultimate sin in their book when you start peeling back the layers and exposing their true nature—revealing the insecurities, manipulations, and deceit. It’s like telling a child that Santa isn’t real; the illusion is shattered, and they can’t forgive you for bursting their bubble. So, out you go, discarded for daring to see behind the curtain.

If You Experience Significant Failures or Setbacks

Narcissists love to bask in the glow of success and beauty.

If you encounter significant failures or problems, like losing a job, facing financial difficulties, or dealing with a personal crisis, you become a liability. That’s been my experience. The narcissist will also be extremely inclined to accuse their struggling partner… of narcissism.

They see your struggles as a reflection on them, tarnishing their perfect image.

It's like owning a car that’s always breaking down; eventually, they’ll trade you in for a newer, shinier model with a new set of tires for cruising down life’s highway.

When They Lose Influence Over You

For a narcissist, control is everything.

They thrive on having the upper hand and dictating the terms of the relationship. If you start asserting your independence, setting boundaries, or pushing back against their manipulative tactics, you’re upsetting the delicate balance of power.

It’s as if the puppet has suddenly developed a mind of its own. Unable to tolerate a loss of control, they’ll discard you in favor of someone more pliable and easier to dominate.

When You Display Excessive Emotional Neediness

Narcissists are notoriously emotionally unavailable.

They demand constant attention and admiration but offer very little in return. If you become too emotionally needy—constantly seeking reassurance, support, or empathy—they’ll see you as a burden. It’s like trying to get water from a stone; they have no interest in nurturing you because it requires effort they’re unwilling to expend. Once you’re deemed too demanding, they’ll discard you in search of someone who asks less of them emotionally.

You Lose Your Looks or Sex Appeal in Their Eyes

Narcissists are incredibly superficial and place a high value on physical appearance and sexual chemistry.

If they perceive that your physical attractiveness has diminished—whether due to aging, weight gain, or simply losing interest in maintaining the same level of physical appeal—they’ll lose interest. Similarly, if the sexual spark fades, they’ll see no reason to keep you around. To them, it’s like having a favorite toy that’s lost its shine; they’ll discard you and look for a newer, more exciting plaything.

Fear of Retaliation or Retribution

Narcissists are deeply paranoid and constantly fear being exposed or punished for their actions.

If you start standing up for yourself, threatening to reveal their true nature, or showing signs that you might retaliate against their behavior, they’ll be inclined to discard you preemptively.

It’s like a game of chess where they’re always thinking several moves ahead; they’ll eliminate you as a threat before you have a chance to strike back. This preemptive discard is their way of protecting themselves from potential fallout.

Establishing a New Persona

Narcissists constantly seek new sources of admiration and validation.

They are always on the lookout for the next person who can offer them the attention and adoration they crave.

If they find someone new who better fits their needs or presents a fresh source of narcissistic supply, they’ll discard you without a second thought.

It’s like upgrading to the latest smartphone model; they’ll drop you in a heartbeat for the newer, more exciting version. Your role in their life becomes obsolete, and they move on without a backward glance.

Final thoughts

Understanding why you were discarded by a narcissist can be incredibly freeing.

It’s important to remember that these reasons are rooted in the narcissist’s own insecurities, superficial values, and need for control.

Being discarded doesn’t reflect your worth but rather highlights their inability to maintain a genuine, healthy relationship. So, while the experience might sting, it’s also an opportunity to find a partner who truly values and respects you.

In the end, you’re better off without the roller coaster ride of a narcissist’s love.

Be. Well, Stay Kind, and Godspeed.


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