13 Signs of a Narcissistic Wife

Friday, August 2, 2024.

Is your wife a mystery wrapped in an enigma and topped with a sprinkle of chaos? You might be dealing with a somewhat narcissistic spouse.

The N word gets tossed around a great deal. It’s best to understand these common human traits with compassion.

Understanding these traits can help you navigate the emotional minefield with a little more ease and humor.

Here are 13 signs to watch out for…buckle up!

The Closeted Nature of Female Narcissists

Female narcissists can be harder to spot than their male counterparts.

They often exhibit their narcissism in more subtle, covert ways, making it difficult to recognize the signs.

Dr. Ramani Durvasula, a clinical psychologist, explains that female narcissists tend to hide their narcissism behind a facade of charm and sociability.

They are masters of manipulation, using their social skills to mask their true nature. This closeted behavior can make it challenging for partners to identify the toxic patterns in their relationship.

Constant Need for Attention

If your wife needs more attention than a reality TV star, she might be a narcissist. She craves the spotlight like a moth to a flame, and woe betide anyone who tries to steal her thunder.

Dr. Craig Malkin, a clinical psychologist, notes that narcissists thrive on attention because it validates their sense of self-importance. So, if she’s always the center of every conversation, even at funerals, you might have a clue.

Lack of Empathy

Does she show the emotional depth of a kiddie pool? Narcissistic wives often lack empathy, making it hard for them to connect with others' feelings.

As Dr. Durvasula puts it, empathy is a foreign concept to narcissists. If she can't muster a tear for your bad day but can sob uncontrollably over a broken nail, you might be onto something.

Manipulative Behavior

A narcissistic wife can be more manipulative than a master puppeteer. She'll twist and turn situations to her advantage, often leaving you questioning your own reality.

According to Dr. Malkin, manipulation is a key tool for narcissists to maintain control. If you feel like you're constantly dancing to her tune, it's time to take a closer look.

Grandiose Sense of Self

Does she think she's a goddess walking among mere mortals? Narcissistic wives often have an inflated sense of self-importance. Dr. Malkin explains that this grandiosity is a defense mechanism to cover up deep-seated insecurities. If your wife believes she's destined for greatness while you’re still figuring out how to use the coffee maker, this might be a sign.

Exploitative Nature

Narcissistic wives can exploit others with the finesse of a seasoned con artist. They use people as stepping stones to achieve their goals, showing little regard for the damage left in their wake.

Dr. Durvasula notes that exploitation is a hallmark of narcissism. If she’s always asking what others can do for her rather than what she can do for them, it's a red flag.

Shallow Relationships

Does your wife have a Rolodex full of acquaintances but no real friends? Narcissists often form shallow relationships because they can't genuinely connect with others. As Dr. Malkin points out, these relationships serve to bolster their self-image. If her friendships seem more like networking opportunities, it might be time to dig deeper.

Inconsistent Behavior

One day she’s affectionate, the next she’s colder than a polar bear’s toenail. Narcissistic wives can be incredibly inconsistent, leaving you walking on eggshells.

Dr. Durvasula explains that this erratic behavior is a way to keep others off balance and maintain control. If you never know which version of your wife you'll get, consider this a significant sign.

Extreme Sensitivity to Criticism

Does she react to criticism like a vampire to sunlight? Narcissistic wives are extremely sensitive to any form of critique, often lashing out or shutting down. Dr. Malkin suggests that this hypersensitivity stems from fragile self-esteem. If giving her feedback feels like handling a live grenade, you might be dealing with narcissism.

Lack of Accountability

Is "I'm sorry" not in her vocabulary? Narcissistic wives often refuse to take responsibility for their actions, instead blaming others. Dr. Durvasula notes that a lack of accountability is common among narcissists. If every argument ends with you apologizing for her mistakes, this could be a clue.

Boundary Violation

Does she treat your boundaries like optional suggestions? Narcissistic wives often have little regard for personal boundaries, seeing them as obstacles to their desires.

Dr. Malkin explains that boundary violations are a way for narcissists to assert control. If she’s always invading your personal space, it’s time to enforce those boundaries firmly.


Has she slowly but surely cut you off from your support network? Narcissistic wives often isolate their partners to increase dependency and control.

Dr. Durvasula points out that isolation is a tactic used by narcissists to weaken their partners' support systems. If your social circle has dwindled since your marriage, take notice.

Constant Comparison

Is she always comparing you unfavorably to others? Narcissistic wives frequently make comparisons to undermine your self-esteem and elevate their own. Dr. Malkin notes that this constant comparison is a way for narcissists to feel superior. If you constantly feel like you’re in a competition you didn’t sign up for, it’s a sign.

Unpredictable Mood Swings

Are her mood swings more dramatic than a soap opera? Narcissistic wives can be emotionally volatile, with moods that change at the drop of a hat.

Dr. Durvasula explains that these mood swings are a way for narcissists to manipulate their environment. If her emotions are a rollercoaster ride, buckle up and hang on.

Final thoughts

Recognizing these signs can be the first step in understanding and addressing the challenges of living with a narcissistic wife.

While humor can help lighten the load, it's essential to approach the situation with empathy and seek professional guidance when needed.

After all, knowledge is power, and understanding these traits can help you navigate the rocky terrain of a narcissistic relationship.

Be Well, Stay Kind, and Godspeed.


Malkin, C. (2015). Rethinking Narcissism: The Bad—and Surprising Good—About Feeling Special. Harper Wave.

Durvasula, R. (2019). Don't You Know Who I Am? How to Stay Sane in an Era of Narcissism, Entitlement, and Incivility. Post Hill Press.


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