Signs of Trouble Daniel Dashnaw Signs of Trouble Daniel Dashnaw

Is it ever too late to save a marriage?

Older American couples endure more than six years of misery before seeking help.

It’s like driving your wheels over and over in the same place so often that you’ve worn deep ruts into the marital driveway.

The sooner you enter couples therapy, the better. This is one of the reasons why Millennials enjoy such a delightfully low divorce rate.

They pursue couples therapy at the first sign of trouble. And they do so earlier than any other recorded generation…

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Couples Therapy Daniel Dashnaw Couples Therapy Daniel Dashnaw

Christian couples counseling in a secular therapy world

Christian couples get a raw deal in secular couples therapy, and Christian couples counseling is often uninformed by science.

Psychotherapy has never been particularly curious about religious faith of any kind.

Most modern therapists do not tend to describe themselves as religious or even particularly spiritual (Bilgrave & Deluty, 2002) and (Smith & Orlinsky, 2004).

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What Happy Couples Know Daniel Dashnaw What Happy Couples Know Daniel Dashnaw

Lesbian & gay couples therapy

Research suggests that same-sex couples are gentler to each other when they fight (Gottman et al. 2003).

Gottman’s research tells us that lesbian couples and gay men use more humor and kindness when bringing up a disagreement, and they’re more positive as they engage in disagreement with one another. Here’s why…

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