Attachment Issues Daniel Dashnaw Attachment Issues Daniel Dashnaw

The 4 Stages of Infant Attachment…

Attachment theory, pioneered by John Bowlby explains how humans bond.

A pivotal study conducted by Shaffer and Emerson in 1964 in Glasgow offers valuable insights into the stages of infant attachment and how they influence later development.

Over the last 60 years, the findings have been replicated again and again…

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Attachment Issues Daniel Dashnaw Attachment Issues Daniel Dashnaw

The “how-to” of shifting to a more Secure Attachment Style…

Shifting from an insecure Attachment Style to a Secure one is a profound journey that involves intentional reprogramming of the nervous system and a deep understanding of oneself and relational dynamics.

Boyd's OODA loop, a concept originating from military strategy… but widely applied in various fields, including psychology and decision-making, can serve as a useful framework in this process.

The loop consists of four stages: Observe, Orient, Decide, and Act. Let's map these stages onto the intentional journey of shifting your Attachment Style...

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Attachment Issues Daniel Dashnaw Attachment Issues Daniel Dashnaw

Cognitive Errors of each Attachment Style…

In couples therapy, recognizing and addressing cognitive errors associated with each attachment style is paramount for fostering healthy communication and intimacy.

Let's explore the cognitive errors of each attachment style through the lens of a couples therapist, drawing insights from attachment science thought leaders…

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Attachment Issues Daniel Dashnaw Attachment Issues Daniel Dashnaw

The Anxious-Preoccupied Attachment and Dismissive-Avoidant Relationship...

When partners with Anxious-Preoccupied and Dismissive-Avoidant attachment styles come together in a relationship, a dance of push and pull ensues.

The Anxious-Preoccupied partner's insatiable need for closeness clashes with the Dismissive-Avoidant partner's reluctance to engage emotionally, creating a dynamic fraught with tension and misunderstanding.

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Attachment Issues Daniel Dashnaw Attachment Issues Daniel Dashnaw

10 Signs that you have an Avoidant Attachment Style…

Among the various Attachment Styles identified by researchers, Avoidant Attachment is one of the less discussed yet profoundly impactful styles.

Often misunderstood as mere dismissiveness, Avoidant Attachment entails complex emotional dynamics that influence how humans interact with others.

Let’s explore the 10 signs that may indicate you have Avoidant Attachment…

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Attachment Issues Daniel Dashnaw Attachment Issues Daniel Dashnaw

13 Signs that you have Anxious Attachment…

Anxious Attachment, one of the three main attachment styles identified in Attachment Theory, can significantly impact how humans approach and experience relationships.

If you find yourself constantly grappling with insecurity, fear, and a longing for closeness in your relationships, you might resonate with the signs of Anxious Attachment.

Here are 13 signs…

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Attachment Issues Daniel Dashnaw Attachment Issues Daniel Dashnaw

Disorganized Attachment and Narcissism…

Disorganized Attachment and Narcissism are two complex psychological constructs that have garnered significant attention in both clinical psychology and attachment science.

While Disorganized Attachment pertains to inconsistent and often chaotic relational patterns stemming from early caregiver experiences, Narcissism involves an inflated sense of self-importance and a lack of empathy…

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Attachment Issues Daniel Dashnaw Attachment Issues Daniel Dashnaw

Anxious Attachment and the Self-Absorbed Partner…

An Anxious Attachment style is characterized by a heightened sensitivity to perceived threats of abandonment or rejection, often leading to clinginess, seeking reassurance, and a fear of being unloved.

On the other hand, narcissism encompasses traits such as grandiosity, a constant need for admiration, and a lack of empathy.

When these two dynamics reliably converge in a relationship, a volatile and potentially toxic dynamic can emerge…

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Attachment Issues Daniel Dashnaw Attachment Issues Daniel Dashnaw

What to do when your Anxious Attachment is triggered…

Are you experiencing the overwhelming grip of Anxious Attachment in your relationships? If so, know that you're not alone.

Anxious Attachment, often rooted in past experiences, can trigger intense emotions and behaviors that strain even the strongest bonds.

As a couples therapist deeply committed to guiding humans through such challenges, I understand the importance of addressing these concerns with empathy and expertise…

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