Attachment Issues Daniel Dashnaw Attachment Issues Daniel Dashnaw

Narcissistic & Borderline Parents…

On the couples therapy couch, I sometimes see the dynamic between a narcissist and someone with borderline personality disorder (BPD).

This can significantly impact their relationship.. and future intimacy for meaningful intimacy for their children….

Let’s discuss the intricacies of this dynamic and how it shapes the familial landscape, drawing insights from a family therapist's perspective...

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Attachment Issues Daniel Dashnaw Attachment Issues Daniel Dashnaw

Connection vs Attachment…

Understanding the nuances between connection and attachment is pivotal in romantic relationships.

These terms often intermingle, yet they represent distinct aspects of relational dynamics.

Relationship thought leaders and empirical research shed light on the disparity between romantic connection and attachment, unraveling the complexities that underlie successful partnerships…

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Attachment Issues Daniel Dashnaw Attachment Issues Daniel Dashnaw

What is Material Deprivation?

Material deprivation, a crucial concept in both sociology and economics, refers to the inability of humans or households to afford basic goods and services necessary for an adequate standard of living.

It encompasses various dimensions such as lack of access to adequate housing, nutritious food, healthcare, education, and essential utilities like water and electricity.

This deprivation can severely impact human well-being, opportunities, and overall quality of life…

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Attachment Issues Daniel Dashnaw Attachment Issues Daniel Dashnaw

The 4 Stages of Infant Attachment…

Attachment theory, pioneered by John Bowlby explains how humans bond.

A pivotal study conducted by Shaffer and Emerson in 1964 in Glasgow offers valuable insights into the stages of infant attachment and how they influence later development.

Over the last 60 years, the findings have been replicated again and again…

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Marriage and Mental Health Daniel Dashnaw Marriage and Mental Health Daniel Dashnaw

Why do we want to know how to increase Gamma Brain Waves?

Gamma Waves, which repeat thirty times every second, help the brain communicate effectively between regions.

Enhancing Gamma Waves in the brain could be a way to treat depression, a promising new study suggests.

Rodents who had Gamma Waves in their brains suppressed became depressed while boosting Gamma Waves almost completely cured their depression symptoms…

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Family Life and Parenting Daniel Dashnaw Family Life and Parenting Daniel Dashnaw

How to raise bad kids…

Research suggests that the quality of parental relationships during childhood can significantly impact later behaviors toward others.

Humans who experience emotionally strained or abusive relationships with their parents tend to exhibit lower levels of kindness, generosity, empathy, and prosocial behavior…

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What Happy Couples Know Daniel Dashnaw What Happy Couples Know Daniel Dashnaw

Crush boring tasks with these 2 wicked-cool hacks…

Feeling like a work zombie lately? You're not alone.

But fear not, gentle reader, for researchers have decoded the secret to reclaiming your focus amidst the dullest of tasks… let’s jump in…

Recent studies unveil two simple yet potent techniques: setting goals and embracing feedback.

Yes, you heard that right – the antidote to workplace ennui might just be a well-crafted goal… and a sprinkle of constructive criticism…

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What Happy Couples Know Daniel Dashnaw What Happy Couples Know Daniel Dashnaw

The Power of Biophilia…

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, where screens and concrete dominate our surroundings, the call of nature echoes with a newfound urgency.

Recent research delves into the profound impact of nature immersion on our cognitive faculties, shedding light on the age-old wisdom championed by naturalists like Henry David Thoreau…

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Marriage and Mental Health Daniel Dashnaw Marriage and Mental Health Daniel Dashnaw

Has the Pill eroded the well-being of women?

The recent revelations surrounding the contraceptive pill's impact on women's well-being add a new layer of complexity to the therapeutic landscape.

As therapists, we're tasked with unraveling the intricacies of relationships, often diving into the depths of emotional intimacy and navigating the terrain where physical health intersects with relational dynamics...

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