How to raise bad kids…

Monday, April 8, 2024.

Research suggests that the quality of parental relationships during childhood can significantly impact later behaviors toward others.

Humans who experience emotionally strained or abusive relationships with their parents tend to exhibit lower levels of kindness, generosity, empathy, and prosocial behavior…

Conversely, those with loving and supportive bonds with their parents are likelier to demonstrate prosocial tendencies…

Researchers ask…to what degree are innate prosocial behavior and mental health traits influenced by external factors?

How the study was conducted

These findings stem from a comprehensive study tracking over 10,000 human beings from childhood through adolescence, exploring the interplay between mental health, prosocial behavior, and early relationships.

The results indicate that children who have positive relationships with their parents experience fewer mental health issues during childhood and adolescence and display more significant levels of prosocial behavior.

Researchers sought to understand whether prosocial behavior and mental health are stable traits or if they fluctuate depending on circumstances. Ioannis Katsantonis, the study's lead author, elaborated on the findings:

"Our analysis suggests that mental well-being tends to stabilize after a certain age, while levels of prosocial behavior fluctuate more over time, influenced by our environment. Early relationships with parents play a significant role. During childhood, we internalize the emotional aspects of these relationships, shaping our inclination to be kind and helpful toward others."

The quality of early parent-child relationships is paramount, according to Katsantonis:

"The importance of strong parent-child relationships cannot be overstated. The time parents invest in nurturing their children and responding to their emotional needs lays the foundation for future behavior. While some parents may require support to develop these skills, simply spending quality time with their children is crucial. However, for parents facing stressful circumstances, such as financial strain or demanding work schedules, finding this time can be challenging."

Indeed, the study underscores the critical role of parental investment in fostering positive behaviors in children. Time spent together, coupled with emotional responsiveness, forms the basis for nurturing prosocial tendencies.

Moreover, the research highlights the importance of early intervention and support for parents who may struggle to provide a nurturing environment for their children. By offering resources and guidance, society can help parents cultivate healthy relationships with their children, thus promoting positive mental health and prosocial behavior.

Ultimately, while genetic factors may contribute to certain aspects of mental health and behavior, the study suggests that environmental influences, particularly early parent-child relationships, significantly shape prosociality and overall well-being. By recognizing and addressing these influences, we can strive to create environments that nurture kindness, empathy, and resilience in future generations.

Be Well, Stay Kind, and Godspeed.


Katsantonis, I., & McLellan, R. (2024). The role of parent–child interactions in the association between mental health and prosocial behavior: Evidence from early childhood to late adolescence. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 48(1), 59-70.


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