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Will we ever master the human mind?
The concept of consciousness stands as a pinnacle yet to be fully explored.
Imagine a future where the advancements in neuroscience reveal the intricate workings of the brain.
Will this wealth of knowledge unveil the enigma of consciousness?
Why Emotional Vocabulary Matters…
The Power of Emotional Vocabulary: Nurturing Words for Mental Health…
Words weave a tapestry of emotions, painting hues of joy, sorrow, and everything in between.
But did you know that the richness of your emotional vocabulary could be a guardian of your mental and physical well-being?
Is HSP autism?
Understanding the concept of Highly Sensitive Persons (HSPs) is not only crucial in the broader context of neurodiversity but also holds significant implications for couples therapy.
Couples, where one or both partners identify as HSPs, may face unique challenges and opportunities in their relationships, which can benefit from a deeper understanding of HSP traits…
Can people with ADHD have special interests?
Yup… folks with ADHD can have special interests.
Research suggests that humans with ADHD often demonstrate intense focus and passion for subjects that captivate their interest, akin to what's commonly seen in folks with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and other neurodivergent conditions…
Is Autism Caused by an Excess of Extremely Positive Personality Traits?
Autism, affecting approximately one in 50 humans, is intricately linked to a unique blend of socially valued personality traits and co-occurring disabilities, suggests an alleged comprehensive review of existing evidence…
How an Autism Diagnosis Impacts Mental Health…
Discovering you or your loved one has autism can feel like finding the missing piece to a puzzle.
You know, that moment when everything clicks into place? Yeah, that's the feeling.
But here's the thing - finding out sooner rather than later seems to make a world of difference, according to some research…
The Power of learning like a child…
In a groundbreaking study led by Dr. Rachel Wu, older adults discovered the fountain of cognitive youth, achieving mental prowess akin to that of teenagers.
By embracing a childlike approach to learning—immersing themselves in multiple disciplines simultaneously—individuals in their 60’s rewound the clock on their cognitive abilities.
Deciphering Autism vs. ADHD in Couples Therapy…
Most seasoned couples therapists trained in neurodiversity have navigated the intricacies of relationships with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
Let’s consider the distinctions between these two conditions, explore areas of similarity and difference, and perhaps equip you with a few insights…
Anxious Attachment and the Neurodivergent Partner…
For the Anxious Partner, whose emotional compass oscillates between clinginess and fear of abandonment, coupling with a Neurodiverse Partner can resemble a rollercoaster ride through the intricate pathways of human connection.
Let’s explore the intricacies of Anxious Attachment and Neurodiversity within the context of committed relationships, peppered with insights from esteemed thought leaders in the realm of Neurodiversity…
Am I Neurodivergent Quiz…
Welcome to my thought experiment on neurodivergence. This quiz is designed to help you explore aspects of neurodiversity and understand how it might manifest in your life.
It's important to note that this is not a formal diagnosis but rather a tool for curiosity, self-reflection, and understanding. Let’s jump in!
What is Autism Defense Mode?
Autism Defense Mode, a term gaining prominence in the autism community, refers to a state of heightened stress or anxiety experienced by individuals on the autism spectrum when faced with overwhelming sensory or social stimuli.
What is the Autism Iceberg?
The Autism Iceberg is a metaphorical concept that is frequently used to illustrate the complexity and depth of autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
This analogy suggests that what is observable about a person with autism, represented by the tip of the iceberg, is just a tiny fraction of the characteristics and challenges they experience, with the bulk of their experiences lying beneath the surface, hidden from immediate view.