Am I Neurodivergent Quiz…

Exploring Neurodivergence: A Thought Experiment Quiz

Welcome to my thought experiment on neurodivergence. This quiz is designed to help you explore aspects of neurodiversity and understand how it might manifest in your life.

It's important to note that this is not a formal diagnosis but rather a tool for curiosity, self-reflection, and understanding.


Before we begin, I must acknowledge that this quiz is not a substitute for professional assessment or diagnosis.

Neurodivergence is a complex and multifaceted aspect of human diversity, and its exploration should be approached with sensitivity and respect.

If you have concerns about neurodivergence or any other mental health issue, I encourage you to seek support from a qualified professional...


Below are a series of questions and scenarios. Choose the response that best reflects your experiences and feelings for each one. There are no right or wrong answers, so be honest with yourself. At the end of the quiz, I'll provide some insights and resources to help you further explore the topic of neurodivergence.

The Quiz:

How do you feel about social gatherings?

a) I thrive in social settings and enjoy meeting new people.

b) I find social gatherings draining and prefer smaller, intimate settings.

c) It depends on the context and my mood.

How do you approach tasks and projects?

a) I tend to be organized and methodical in my approach.

b) I often jump between tasks and struggle to stay focused.

c) I adapt my approach based on the situation and my interests.

How do you react to changes in your routine?

a) I prefer stability and predictability in my daily life.

b) I'm flexible and can adapt to changes easily.

c) Changes in routine can be challenging for me, but I can cope with them.

How do you process sensory information?

a) I'm sensitive to certain sensory stimuli, but it doesn't usually overwhelm me.

b) Certain sensory experiences, like loud noises or bright lights, can be overwhelming for me.

c) I don't notice sensory stimuli as much as others seem to.

How do you communicate with others?

a) I find it easy to express myself and understand others.

b) I sometimes struggle to express myself verbally or understand social cues.

c) My communication style varies depending on the situation and the people involved.

How do you feel about routines and rituals?

a) I don't have many routines or rituals with which I'm comfortable.

b) Routines and rituals help me feel grounded and provide structure to my day.

c) I have some routines and rituals that are not essential to my well-being.

How do you manage stress?

a) I have healthy coping mechanisms that help me manage stress effectively.

b) Stress can be overwhelming for me, and I struggle to cope with it at times.

c) I'm still figuring out what works best for me when it comes to managing stress.

How do you approach problem-solving?

a) I'm logical and analytical in my approach to problem-solving.

b) I'm creative and intuitive, often thinking outside the box.

c) My problem-solving style varies depending on the situation and the people involved.


For each question, assign yourself points based on your response:

a) = 1 point

b) = 2 points

c) = 3 points


8-15 points: Your responses suggest you may have neurodivergent traits or tendencies. Remember that neurodiversity is a spectrum, and it's okay to be different.

16-23 points: Your responses indicate that you may have significant neurodivergent traits or tendencies. Exploring this aspect of yourself further could help you better understand your strengths and challenges.

24-32 points: Your responses suggest neurodivergence may significantly affect your life. Get curious. Seeking support from a qualified coach or therapist could help you navigate any challenges you may face.

Remember, this quiz is just a starting point for exploring neurodivergence. If you're interested in learning more about this topic or seeking support, we've compiled a list of resources below.

Final thoughts

I hope this quiz has given you some insights into neurodivergence and sparked your curiosity about this fascinating aspect of human experience.

Remember, neurodiversity is a natural and valuable part of the human condition, and embracing it can lead to a more inclusive and compassionate society.

Be well, Stay kind, and Godspeed.


Neurodiversity: Some Basic Terms & Definitions by Nick Walker

The Neurodiversity Movement by Steve Silberman

The Gift: LD/ADHD Reframed by Dr. Edward Hallowell

Neurotribes: The Legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity by Steve Silberman

Thinking in Pictures: My Life with Autism by Dr. Temple Grandin


I’d like to thank the thought leaders in neurodiversity whose work has inspired and informed this quiz. Their dedication to understanding and advocating for neurodivergent humans has significantly impacted our understanding of human diversity.


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