Family Life and Parenting Daniel Dashnaw Family Life and Parenting Daniel Dashnaw

Are We Having Fun Yet?

As a marriage and family therapist, it's crucial to explore how human priorities impact personal happiness and family dynamics.

A recent study sheds light on the significant role of fun and autonomy in promoting overall well-being, with implications that resonate deeply within families…

Are we having fun yet?

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Family Life and Parenting Daniel Dashnaw Family Life and Parenting Daniel Dashnaw

How to raise bad kids…

Research suggests that the quality of parental relationships during childhood can significantly impact later behaviors toward others.

Humans who experience emotionally strained or abusive relationships with their parents tend to exhibit lower levels of kindness, generosity, empathy, and prosocial behavior…

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Family Life and Parenting Daniel Dashnaw Family Life and Parenting Daniel Dashnaw

What is Emotional Cutoff?

Emotional Cutoff in Bowen Family Therapy is a concept that is crucial for understanding and addressing relational dynamics within families.

As a couples therapist, recognizing the role of emotional cutoff is crucial for facilitating healing and promoting healthier connections among family members.

Mainly because family estrangement has been a feature of intimate family life in the USA for half a century or more…

What is Emotional Cutoff?

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Family Life and Parenting Daniel Dashnaw Family Life and Parenting Daniel Dashnaw

Narcissistic daughter is witholding grandchildren…

Narcissistic behavior, characterized by entitlement, lack of empathy, and a constant need for admiration, can significantly impact family dynamics.

When a narcissistic daughter utilizes the withholding of grandchildren as a means of control or manipulation, it can exacerbate existing tensions and create a rift in the family system.

But how do you know you’re not dealing with a narcissistic mom, framing the problem for you?

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Family Life and Parenting Daniel Dashnaw Family Life and Parenting Daniel Dashnaw

Is Estrangement a form of Abuse?

Here’s a question I was asked recently. “Is estrangement a form of abuse?"

This question delves into a complex and nuanced topic within psychology and family dynamics.

While the answer may vary depending on individual circumstances, research and expert opinions shed light on the multifaceted nature of estrangement and its potential impact on familial relationship

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