Attachment Issues Daniel Dashnaw Attachment Issues Daniel Dashnaw

2 Anxious Attachment Styles Together…

What happens when you put 2 Anxious Attachment Styles together?

The interplay of Attachment Styles can dictate the course of romantic unions.

When two humans with Anxious Attachment styles find themselves entwined in a relationship, it's akin to embarking on a rollercoaster ride through a shared maze of emotions and insecurities…

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Attachment Issues Daniel Dashnaw Attachment Issues Daniel Dashnaw

6 Strategies to Attract an Avoidant Partner…

If you've found yourself drawn to a human who seems perpetually distant, fear not, for you've landed in the right place.

As a seasoned couples therapist with a penchant for depth and insight, I'm here to offer you not just 1, not 2, but 6 strategies to help you navigate the complexities of Avoidant Attachment in romantic relationships….

So, let's jump in and explore how to bridge the gap between longing and independence…

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Attachment Issues Daniel Dashnaw Attachment Issues Daniel Dashnaw

Secure Attachment to parents during childhood correlates with… what exactly?

Secure Attachment to parents during childhood lays the foundation for robust emotional development and interpersonal skills.

But what exactly correlates with Secure Attachment, and what tangible benefits does it bring throughout life?

Let's explore attachment science research to uncover the correlations and benefits of growing up with Secure Attachment.

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Attachment Issues Daniel Dashnaw Attachment Issues Daniel Dashnaw

6 Signs of the Anxious-Avoidant Trap…

The interplay between attachment styles can significantly shape partner dynamics.

Drawing from attachment research and insights from esteemed thought leaders, let’s consider the Anxious-Avoidant trap.

I have witnessed firsthand the complexities and challenges faced by my clients entrenched in this dynamic.

Let’s examine the nuances of emotional intensity and polarity between Anxious and Avoidant partners, we can uncover 6 key signs that indicate you might be entangled in this relational pattern… Let’s jump in!

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Attachment Issues Daniel Dashnaw Attachment Issues Daniel Dashnaw

Emotionally-Focused Individual Therapy (EFIT)

EFT has emerged as a potent force in the realm of mental health treatment, particularly for individuals seeking profound emotional healing.

Let’s briefly discuss the core ideas of Emotionally Focused Individual Therapy, exploring its core principles, methodologies, and transformative power for individuals navigating emotional distress.

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Attachment Issues Daniel Dashnaw Attachment Issues Daniel Dashnaw

Enmeshment vs. Codependency

Enmeshment vs. Codependency in Relationships…

Two terms that sometimes come up in couples therapy sessions are "Enmeshment" and "Codependency."

While they may seem similar at first glance, these concepts carry distinct implications for the health of humans and their families…

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Attachment Issues Daniel Dashnaw Attachment Issues Daniel Dashnaw

Healing Fearful Avoidant Attachment…

Fearful-avoidant attachment is a complex and painful psychological pattern that affects how some humans form and maintain relationships.

Let’s discuss the nature of fearful-avoidant attachment, its origins, characteristics, and, most importantly, strategies for possibly healing or mitigating its challenges.

Let’s jump in…

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