What Happy Couples Know Daniel Dashnaw What Happy Couples Know Daniel Dashnaw

Why do Americans believe in Willpower Fitness?

Believing that willpower is an infinite resource can unlock greater reserves of self-control.

However, many people fall into the trap of viewing their willpower as limited and needing periodic recharging, making this belief their reality.

These folks believe in Willflower Fitness, which can ebb and flow.

A revealing study compared beliefs about willpower fitness between Europeans and Americans, shedding light on how cultural perspectives influence self-control.

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Social Media and Relationships Daniel Dashnaw Social Media and Relationships Daniel Dashnaw

Why do I let things piss me off?

Turning and turning in the widening gyre

The falcon cannot hear the falconer;

Things fall apart; the center cannot hold;

Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,

The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere

The ceremony of innocence is drowned;

The best lack all conviction, while the worst

Are full of passionate intensity.

The Second Coming W. B. Yeats

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Marriage and Mental Health Daniel Dashnaw Marriage and Mental Health Daniel Dashnaw

How being in a hurry reveals our true personalities

As a marriage and family therapist, I often emphasize that time is the very essence of life.

It's fascinating how our true selves emerge under the strain of time pressure, a phenomenon that could be described as "being in a hurry” — the way our authentic traits are exposed when we're in a hurry.

This exposure raises profound questions about our nature and the role of time in shaping our identities.

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Signs of Trouble Daniel Dashnaw Signs of Trouble Daniel Dashnaw

Emotional abuse and marital conflict quiz

I think of emotional abuse as a combination of two of the Four Horsemen (Contempt and Criticism) standing upon an aggressive foundation of chronically manipulative and controlling behaviors.

It is the investment in control and domination that is the chief feature of emotional abuse. Here’s what you need to know…

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Social Media and Relationships Daniel Dashnaw Social Media and Relationships Daniel Dashnaw

Can AI De-professionalize Therapy? The curious case of KAI the AI therapist

Imagine spilling your teenage angst to a robot and actually feeling better!

That's not the opening line to a sci-fi novel but the reality for over 10,000 adolescents who chatted with an AI therapist named KAI.

Over six weeks, these young folks reported improvements in their psychological well-being, according to a recent study.

But could this new wave of AI therapy inadvertently de-professionalize the field of mental health?

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