Daniel Dashnaw Daniel Dashnaw

Girls Labelled 'Fat' at 10… likely to be obese at 19, study reveals

A recent study conducted in Northern California examined 1,166 girls and revealed a concerning trend: girls who were told they were "fat" at the age of 10 were more likely to be obese at 19.

This message and label could have come from various sources… such as teachers, parents, siblings, classmates, or friends.

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Extramarital Affairs Daniel Dashnaw Extramarital Affairs Daniel Dashnaw

The Impact of the 2015 Ashley Madison Data Breach on Relationships… a long look back…

The Ashley Madison data breach of 2015 sent shockwaves through the online dating world, revealing the personal information of millions of users seeking extramarital affairs.

This breach not only raised questions about data security but also provided a unique opportunity for researchers to study the impact of infidelity on relationships.

Several studies have since been conducted to analyze the fallout from the Ashley Madison breach, shedding light on various aspects of relationships and privacy in the digital age.

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Neurodiverse Couples Daniel Dashnaw Neurodiverse Couples Daniel Dashnaw

Alexithymia and marital conflict

Some people struggle when asked to explain or share and their emotions. This personality trait is known as Alexithymia.

Folks with Alexithymia can describe their physiological reactions to events (such as a rapid heartbeat or a queasy stomach), but they are unable to identify any specific emotions.

Here’s what we know…

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Couples Therapy Daniel Dashnaw Couples Therapy Daniel Dashnaw

Existentialism & Couples Therapy

Existentialism offers a unique perspective on couples therapy, emphasizing themes such as freedom, responsibility, authenticity, and the search for meaning.

Incorporating existentialist ideas into therapy can deepen the couple's understanding of their dynamics and help them navigate challenges more effectively.

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What Happy Couples Know Daniel Dashnaw What Happy Couples Know Daniel Dashnaw

Anticipatory anxiety and wishful thinking…

Wishful thinking is a captivating subject that reveals into the complexities of human cognition and emotion.

Recent research has shed light on how this phenomenon influences decision-making and success, particularly in times of uncertainty and anxiety.

Studies have shown a strong correlation between feelings of anxiety and insecurity and the propensity for wishful thinking.

When faced with uncertainty, individuals often turn to wishful thinking as a coping mechanism, seeking comfort in optimistic beliefs.

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How to Fight Fair Daniel Dashnaw How to Fight Fair Daniel Dashnaw

Help! My husband picks fights with me!

Disagreements and conflicts are natural in any relationship, but when your husband consistently instigates arguments and then shifts blame, it can create a toxic dynamic that erodes trust and intimacy.

Let’s explore the underlying reasons for this behavior and offer a few strategies to address and resolve these conflicts constructively…

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