How high-functioning psychopaths and sociopaths slip into power unnoticed…

Tuesday, April 24, 2024.

Research indicates that high-functioning psychopaths and sociopaths, who also possess high IQs, are adept at concealing their true nature…

This ability sheds light on how folks who exhibit dangerous, risk-taking behaviors can successfully infiltrate powerful management positions…

Despite retaining key psychopathic and sociopathic traits such as a lack of regard for others' emotions and a propensity for lying, cheating, and manipulation, high-functioning humans in these categories can effectively mask these negative characteristics to achieve their objectives.

This ability is facilitated by their high levels of education and interpersonal skills, enabling them to ascend to esteemed positions in society.

Notably, from a clinical standpoint, there is no distinction between a psychopath and a sociopath; these terms are often used interchangeably.

Research Insights…

These conclusions stem from a study published in the Journal of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology, which was prompted by the disproportionately high prevalence of psychopaths and sociopaths among business managers (Bate et al., 2014). While approximately 1% of the general population falls into these categories, the figure jumps to 3% among business managers.

Carolyn Bate, the study's lead author, remarked, "I thought that intelligence could be an explanation for this, and it could be a problem if there are increased numbers of psychopaths at a high level in business. The figure could be more than three per cent, because if people are aware they are psychopathic they can also lie – they are quite manipulative and lack empathy."

The charismatic facade of high-functioning psychopaths and sociopaths…

Contrary to the sensationalized portrayal of psychopaths in the media, those in business often exhibit charm and intelligence but lack emotional depth. This stands in contrast to psychopaths who display erratic behavior, commit heinous crimes, and are frequently apprehended and incarcerated.

To substantiate these claims, researchers administered a standard psychopathy test to a group. Participants were also shown a series of images to gauge their empathy levels, with their galvanic skin response measured simultaneously to assess their emotional reactions. Psychopaths and sociopaths with average or high intelligence were able to regulate their galvanic skin response to mimic normal responses. In contrast, those with lower intelligence displayed abnormal responses consistent with psychopathic traits.

Symptoms of high-functioning psychopaths and sociopaths:

In addition to high IQ, signs of high-functioning psychopaths include:

Charm: These individuals often possess excellent social skills.

Addictive behaviors: They may exhibit tendencies toward addictive behaviors.

Sensitivity: Quickness to anger is a common trait.

Lack of empathy: Similar to other psychopaths, they demonstrate a lack of empathy and little concern for how their actions impact others.

Secrecy: They prefer to keep aspects of their lives private unless doing so serves a manipulative purpose.

Calculation: They meticulously plan their actions to achieve their goals, regardless of the consequences for others.

Be Well, Stay Kind, and Godspeed.


psychopathy, intelligence and emotional responding in a non-forensic sample: an experimental investigation Carolyn Bate Daniel Bodusze Katie Dhingra

&Christopher Bale. Pages 600-612 | Received 09 Jun 2014, Accepted 08 Jul 2014, Published online: 12 Aug 2014


Remembering Susan Johnson, co-founder of Emotionally-Focused Therapy


Understanding Psychopathy: Primary vs. Secondary Psychopaths…