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What is the Neurodivergent Umbrella?
The neurodivergent umbrella recognizes that each person's experience of neurodiversity is unique and that these differences can bring strengths and challenges.
It promotes acceptance, understanding, and accommodation for people with diverse neurological profiles, fostering a more inclusive society.
Autistic grief is not like neurotypical grief…
Autistic grief is not like neurotypical grief.
It’s Because of the unique sensory, cognitive, and emotional experiences that impact humans on the autism spectrum…
What is Acquired Neurodiversity?
Acquired Neurodiversity refers to neurodevelopmental conditions or differences acquired later in life due to external factors, such as brain injuries, illnesses, or trauma.
Unlike innate neurodiversity, which is present from birth and typically refers to conditions like autism, ADHD, or dyslexia, Acquired Neurodiversity occurs due to events that happen after birth.
Are you a newly cognizant neuro-diverse couple?
The most important clinical idea in working with a newly cognizant neurodiverse couple is to skill-build with them to better manage the inherent difficulties they face in understanding the distinctly different ways their beloved life-partner processes information…
So you’re a pessimist …How smart is that?
You can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality. —Ayn Rand
What common supplement reduces symptoms of ADHD?
Research suggest that fish oil supplements are at least as effective for attention as conventional pharmacological treatments among those children with ADHD who have omega-3 deficiency….
Can coffee help you with your ADHD?
Caffeine improves executive functioning cognitive procedures.
It can also increase capacity, and flexibility, in both human spatial attention and selective attention, as well as in the working memory, and short-term memory.
Is coffee is a think drink?
How prevalent is Adult ADHD ?
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, also known as ADHD or ADD, can interfere with humans successfully completing the most mundane of daily routines, like charging their cell phone, or paying bills.
It may even cause some humans to rack up a piss-poor resume, as persistent lateness, inattention to vital deadlines, or failing to perform ordinary tasks, result in enthusiastic terminations.
How a simple mental shift can improve your memory… your marriage… and your parenting…
The likely reason why this fairly simple trick works is that it tends to automatically activate more successful learning strategies, the kind routinely used by… teachers.
3 Signs of a high IQ, that we should heed in 2024…
People might naturally presume that people who are nice, conscientious and generous are automatically more cooperative.
But, through recent research, we find overwhelming support for the idea that intelligence is the primary condition for a socially cohesive, cooperative society…
Irrational Beliefs and the 1950’s focus on Cognition…
Ellis founded REBT in the 1950s as a reaction against prevailing psychoanalytic and behaviorist paradigms.
He was dissatisfied with the slow progress and subjective nature of psychoanalysis, as well as the deterministic and external focus of behaviorism.
Ellis sought to create an approach that emphasized the role of cognition in shaping emotions and behaviors.
He was the first student of stinkin’ thinkin’…
The strange truth about eye contact…
Mutual eye gaze accounts for as little as 3.5 % of the time when two people are interacting.
The rest of the time people are sometimes looking at each other’s mouths, but mostly they are looking away.
When people do look at each other, though, however briefly, this look conveys important social messages… like what?