Neurodiverse Couples Daniel Dashnaw Neurodiverse Couples Daniel Dashnaw

What is Low Frustration Tolerance?

Low Frustration Tolerance can be understood as the limited ability of a human to endure and cope with the distress associated with frustration, disappointment, or discomfort.

While frustration is a natural part of life, those with LFT find it challenging to navigate these emotions, often leading to heightened stress levels and maladaptive coping mechanisms.

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Neurodiverse Couples Daniel Dashnaw Neurodiverse Couples Daniel Dashnaw

Alexithymia and childhood trauma

A huge study of studies has correlated childhood maltreatment with alexithymia.

Alexithymia, which literally translates as ‘no words for emotions’, is a difficulty some humans have identifying and describing their emotions.

But it’s also a often a compellingly obvious indication of neurodiversity…

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