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Why is emotional intimacy in marriage so hard these days? Here are 4 reasons…
Emotional intimacy in marriage is pretty challenging to achieve nowadays.
Here are 4 proclivities that get in the way.
7 Signs you’re a Workaholic…
The emotional, lived experience of Workaholics in their work environments, as well as their emotional reactivity to job stressors, have been poorly investigated by social science researchers…
Is talking to yourself healthy and normal?
Researchers have been studying self-talk for a long time.
Scientists have been fascinated by what humans say to themselves, going back to the Victorian Era.
Why do we undertake talking to ourselves aloud, and what do we hope to accomplish in doing so?
"Every day, in every way, I'm getting better and better…"
“Injunctions to ‘‘think positively’’ are pervasive in North America.
Self-help books, television shows, and loved ones advise thinking positively when one faces a challenge or is unhappy.
Yet research continually indicates that, for certain people, positive self-statements may be not only ineffective, but actually detrimental.” (Wood et al., 2009).
Eating disorders and habit learning circuits of the brain…
Humans with binge eating disorders in this study had lower sensitivity to dopamine, often known as the ‘pleasure chemical’.
This lower sensitivity may result from too much indulgence, which is caused by habit circuitry gone awry.
Why we need the emotion of awe, more than ever…
Awe thoroughly brings us into the present moment, and then expands that moment while installing a profound sense of well-being at the same time.
That’s awesome!
Shinrin-yoku Therapy for Anxiety and Depression…
Forest therapy, also known as forest bathing or shinrin-yoku in Japanese, is a deliberate practice which involves immersing oneself into forest setting, for the directed purpose of improving one’s emotional, physical, and mental well-being.
Rethinking Narcissism…
The obvious fact is this…we need to learn more about the healthy manifestations of narcissism.
That requires us to avert our attention from the toxic, swampy end of the spectrum… which seems to attract our gaze like a car wreck.
2 quick questions to dirty-diagnose an anxiety disorder…
The ultra-brief hack can help identify an anxiety problem quickly.
Almost 20%. of humans who visit their doctor have an anxiety disorder, research finds.
And just 2 questions are often enough to suggest there is a problem that needs to be addressed…
Neuroticism and Depression
The personality trait of neuroticism – perhaps better understood as “negative emotionality” is a major risk factor of major depression.
This study explains that this occurs because levels of neuroticism are, for the most part, an index of their genetic susceptibility of a client to to clinical depression.
What is Borderline Personality Disorder… with Self-Destructive Features?
This Self-Destructive subtype of Borderline Personality disorder is marked by a heightened propensity for engaging in behaviors that pose significant risks to their physical, emotional, and social well-being.
Understanding the volatile nature and velocity of self-destructive behaviors in humans suffering with this subtype of Borderline Personality Disorder is essential for effective diagnosis, treatment, and support.
What is Borderline Personality Disorder with… Impulsive Features?
The impulsive subtype of BPD is characterized by sudden, rash, impulsive actions and decisions.
Humans with this subtype may engage in reckless behaviors without fully considering the consequences, ranging from mundane issues such as tying one on, to reckless driving, and, of course, unsafe sexual practices.