The problem of Passive-Aggressive nice guys…

Passive Aggression is incredibly annoying in intimate relationships.

With effort, a passive-aggressive personality disorder can learn to engage more directly.

But it is a team effort. You both can change how you respond to each other. It will take some work.

Here are some suggestions that are both sensible and specific…

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Signs of Trouble Daniel Dashnaw Signs of Trouble Daniel Dashnaw

How often do couples fight?

The frequency of fighting is no reliable guide to marital bliss.

Some strong, vibrant couples are very volatile and clash readily.

And then there are conflict-avoidant couples that avoid fighting …right smack into a crisis...

Let’s learn more…

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Extramarital Affairs Daniel Dashnaw Extramarital Affairs Daniel Dashnaw

The challenge of thought-stopping…

Modern Thought-Stopping techniques have roots in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy.

However, Thought-Stopping is also an ancient method of self-management.

It is a well-known mental exercise in the East and the West, specifically, ancient Greek and Roman Stoic philosophy and Buddhism.

Ancient philosophers invite you to notice your thoughts and the degree to which you indulge them…

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Marriage and Mental Health Daniel Dashnaw Marriage and Mental Health Daniel Dashnaw

How Depression shapes our self-concept…

Depression can profoundly influence how humans perceive themselves, leading to a negative self-concept.

This distorted self-view often includes feelings of worthlessness, incapability, and a sense of being stuck without a way forward.

Research suggests that this negative self-schema develops as depressed folks selectively remember and focus on negative events in their lives.

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Signs of Trouble Daniel Dashnaw Signs of Trouble Daniel Dashnaw

Is there hope for my marriage after separation?

An Ohio State University study discovered that nearly 80% of separated couples ultimately divorce.

Some therapists have set up small cottage industries specializing in drafting separation agreements.

At the risk of sounding flip, a couples therapist who specializes in crafting separation agreements is like a surgeon who brags that they own a chain of funeral parlors…

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What Happy Couples Know Daniel Dashnaw What Happy Couples Know Daniel Dashnaw

4 Ways to enjoy a happier relationship that you’ve probably never heard before…

I’m always seeking new research to help couples enjoy happier and more connected relationships.

I spend about 20 hours every month reviewing research journals to bring you the freshest and most compelling ideas in research-driven couples therapy.

Here are 4 obscure and little-known ways to experience delight in each other that you probably never heard before…

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