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Autism ruined my marriage
Despite the challenges we faced, there is hope for our marriage now. Through therapy with you and open communication, we slowly learned to bridge the gap between us.
I've come to realize that accepting Mark's autism doesn't mean trying to change him… but rather embracing him for who he is.
And, just as you predicted, we've also found solace in the autism community, connecting with others who share similar experiences.
It's comforting to know that we're not alone in our struggles and that others understand what we're going through.
Is OCD Neurodivergent?
OCD involves intrusive thoughts and repetitive behaviors.
These experiences can significantly impact daily life, and understanding OCD within the framework of neurodiversity can help reduce stigma, and promote acceptance and support.
ADHD and Anxious Attachment…
The interplay between ADHD and Anxious Attachment is a topic that's increasingly gaining attention.
Let's explore what these terms mean individually and how they might intersect…
What is Monotropic Autism?
Understanding the unique dynamics of monotropic autism can profoundly impact your relationship.
As a couples therapist, I've encountered many couples navigating the complexities of autism spectrum disorders (ASD).
Let's discuss the concept of monotropic autism and its implications for relationships…
Autism and Narcissism
Sorting out the difference between autism and narcissism can be very complicated.
However, I’ve found that good clinical skills often entail tracking the client’s use and understanding of Cognitive Empathy.
Cognitive Empathy consists of recognizing and naming emotions in oneself and others.
An autistic human genuinely struggles to detect Cognitive Empathy, while a narcissist selectively deploys Cognitive Empathy... Therein lies the distinction.
What are the 10 best jobs for the Neurodiverse, according to Research?
Because of my work in neurodiverse family therapy, a client recently asked me about career options for their kids.
I offer this to WT and his kids, with affection.
Late life diagnosis for neurodivergent women…
Neurodivergence refers to conditions such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), dyslexia, and others.
Historically, diagnostic criteria and societal awareness have primarily focused on neurodivergence in children, leaving many undiagnosed until adulthood, particularly women.
High Masking for neurodivergent women…
Gifted, neurodivergent women suffer greatly as they engage in High Masking and Social Camoflouge…
Despite growing recognition of masking behaviors, particularly among females, the research literature remains relatively sparse.
We need to do better.
Toward a Neurodivergent Relationship Therapy…
Dr. John Gottman, a psychologist renowned for his work on marital stability and relationship dynamics, has modified his research-based couples therapy model to accommodate the unique needs of neurodivergent couples….
Twice-exceptional students
Twice-exceptional adults refer to individuals who possess both outstanding intellectual abilities, often in the form of giftedness, and one or more disabilities or challenges, such as ADHD, dyslexia, or autism spectrum disorder.
Research on this population has gained momentum recently, shedding light on their unique strengths, challenges, and needs.
Am I a neurodivergent female?
Neurodiversity can be a characteristic of humans of all genders, but females have often been underrepresented and overlooked in both research and clinical practice.
Historically, diagnostic criteria and assessment tools have been based on male presentations of neurodivergent traits, leading to the underdiagnosis or misdiagnosis of females.
Is Generalized Anxiety Disorder Neurodivergent?
In a clinical context, GAD is usually categorized as an anxiety disorder and treated as such, often with therapy, medication, or a combination of both.
While it's not typically classified as neurodivergent, individuals with GAD may still experience unique perspectives and challenges related to their particular condition.