Marriage and Mental Health Daniel Dashnaw Marriage and Mental Health Daniel Dashnaw

How Neuroticism and Introversion Interact to Produce Chronic Anxiety

As a marriage and family therapist, I often see how intertwined our personality traits are with our mental health.

For those grappling with both neuroticism and introversion, the journey can be especially challenging.

Research indicates that folks who exhibit both of these traits are more susceptible to chronic anxiety problems…

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Marriage and Mental Health Daniel Dashnaw Marriage and Mental Health Daniel Dashnaw

Optimists Sleep Better: How Training Your Optimism Could Improve Your Sleep

Research indicates that optimists get better sleep, with a 70% lower chance of suffering from insomnia or sleep disorders than their less optimistic counterparts.

Optimists, who typically view the future with hope and see goodness in the world, may benefit from reduced ruminative thoughts about stressful events, a common culprit for keeping insomniacs awake at night…

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Marriage and Mental Health Daniel Dashnaw Marriage and Mental Health Daniel Dashnaw

Confirmed: Exercise Improves Sleep…

Science has finally confirmed what many suspected to be true about sleep: exercise indeed improves sleep quality, as a recent study affirms.

While some may not subjectively feel the effects, this naturalistic study demonstrates a clear link between exercise and improved sleep metrics, particularly in the realm of non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep.

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Marriage and Mental Health Daniel Dashnaw Marriage and Mental Health Daniel Dashnaw

Personality change after bariatric surgery and bariatric divorce…

Personality change after bariatric surgery is a fact, and a bariatric divorce is often the result.

After bariatric surgery, hormone levels dramatically shift, and the post-surgery dietary regime changes serotonin levels and neurotransmitter activity in the brain.

Personality change after bariatric surgery can wreak havoc in marriage and leave spouses completely unprepared…

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Marriage and Mental Health Daniel Dashnaw Marriage and Mental Health Daniel Dashnaw

What is Resilience?

We all need a certain baseline resilience just to deal with the setbacks and losses that are an inevitable part of ordinary life.

Resilience is the ability to manage uncertainty, resist and overcome fear while transcending obstacles that may appear to be preventing you from succeeding.

Fortunately, we know a lot about resilience; what it is, and how it works.

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Marriage and Mental Health Daniel Dashnaw Marriage and Mental Health Daniel Dashnaw

Why self-compassion is essential for emotional resilience…

New research underscores the profound impact of self-compassion on emotional healing and well-being.

According to Professor Mark R. Leary, the lead author of a study on this subject, self-compassion helps humans cope with life's challenges without becoming defensive.

He stated, “Self-compassion helps to eliminate a lot of the anger, depression and pain we experience when things go badly for us.”

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Marriage and Mental Health Daniel Dashnaw Marriage and Mental Health Daniel Dashnaw

Sleepless in Recovery: The Surprising Post-COVID-19 Insomnia Trend…

The aftermath of COVID-19 is proving to be a real snooze fest for many, but not in the way you might think.

While we're all eager to put the pandemic behind us, some are having trouble catching those much-needed Zs.

According to a recent study, over 76% of folks recovering from mild COVID-19 are experiencing a noticeable degree of insomnia…

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