Optimists Sleep Better: How Training Your Optimism Could Improve Your Sleep

Thursday, May 16, 2024.

Research indicates that optimists get better sleep, with a 70% lower chance of suffering from insomnia or sleep disorders than their less optimistic counterparts.

Optimists, who typically view the future with hope and see goodness in the world, may benefit from reduced ruminative thoughts about stressful events, a common culprit for keeping insomniacs awake at night.

A study conducted in Austria involving over 1,000 participants examined the relationship between personality, lifestyle, and sleep patterns. Those who scored high in optimism were more likely to report getting six to nine hours of good-quality sleep per night and were less likely to experience symptoms of insomnia or daytime sleepiness.

Mr. Jakob Weitzer, the study's first author, noted that optimists engage in healthier behaviors, such as more exercise, less smoking, and a healthier diet. They also tend to have better coping strategies and experience less stress in challenging situations, contributing to better sleep quality.

The good news is that optimism can be cultivated. Practices like visualizing your 'best possible self' and imagining an ideal future have increased optimism levels over time. Regular practice of these exercises could lead to improved sleep and overall well-being.

How does optimism impact sleep?

Optimism, the trait of expecting good outcomes and viewing the world positively, has been linked to various health benefits, including better sleep. This study, conducted in Austria, with over 1,000 participants, found a strong correlation between optimism and improved sleep quality.

One reason optimists may sleep better is their tendency to engage in healthier behaviors. Optimistic individuals are more likely to exercise regularly, smoke less, and maintain a balanced diet. These lifestyle factors contribute to better overall health, which in turn can positively impact sleep.

Additionally, optimism is associated with better coping strategies and lower levels of stress. Optimists are more adept at managing challenging situations, which may help reduce the likelihood of experiencing sleep-disrupting rumination about stressful events.

The study's lead author, Mr. Jakob Weitzer, highlighted the role of cognitive interventions in boosting optimism. Practices like visualizing one's 'best possible self' can help folks to envision a brighter future, leading to increased levels of optimism. Over time, these practices can contribute to improved sleep quality and overall well-being.

Final thoughts

Cultivating optimism through cognitive exercises and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can have profound effects on sleep. By fostering a positive outlook, individuals may enjoy better sleep and experience improved mental and physical health.

Be Well, Stay Kind, and Godspeed.


Weitzer, J., Papantoniou, K., Lázaro-Sebastià, C., Seidel, S., Klösch, G., & Schernhammer, E. (2021). The contribution of dispositional optimism to understanding insomnia symptomatology: Findings from a cross-sectional population study in Austria. Journal of Sleep Research, 30(1), e13132. https://doi.org/10.1111/jsr.13132


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