Family Life and Parenting Daniel Dashnaw Family Life and Parenting Daniel Dashnaw

Working Mothers vs. Stay-at-Home Moms

The debate between working mothers and stay-at-home moms is a complex and enduring one, shaped by personal choices, societal norms, and economic realities.

This post discusses various aspects such as the impact on child development, work-life balance, evolving gender roles, economic implications, and differing parenting styles.

By exploring the latest social science research, we aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of the implications for both mothers and their families.

This post will also offer my opinions on the nuanced nature of this debate. I’m advocating for support systems that benefit all mothers regardless of their employment status.

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Family Life and Parenting Daniel Dashnaw Family Life and Parenting Daniel Dashnaw

What is Family Constellation Therapy?

Constellation Family Therapy, developed by Bert Hellinger, is a unique therapeutic approach that delves into familial dynamics and unresolved ancestral trauma.

This therapy goes beyond conventional psychological paradigms, incorporating metaphysical and spiritual dimensions to offer a holistic perspective on healing.

This post will discuss the history, core concepts, methodologies, metaphysical aspects, and educational framework of Family Constellation Therapy.

Let’s jump in!

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Family Life and Parenting Daniel Dashnaw Family Life and Parenting Daniel Dashnaw

How many swim lessons does a kid need?

As a marriage and family therapist, I've just seen parents grappling with a question I’ve never heard before in session; "How many swim lessons does a kid need?"

I decided, as I often do, to write a blog post about the question after researching it.

Swimming is not just a fun activity; it’s a useful, if not essential, life skill that offers numerous benefits for children.

From physical health to social and cognitive development, swimming plays a significant role.

Let’s examine the benefits of swimming and answer this important question from a neuroscience perspective.

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Family Life and Parenting Daniel Dashnaw Family Life and Parenting Daniel Dashnaw

The connection between borderline personality disorder and eating disorders

Personality Disorder (BPD) is a complex and multifaceted mental health condition characterized by emotional instability, impulsive behavior, and intense interpersonal relationships.

BPD frequently co-occurs with various eating disorders, such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. Understanding the interplay between BPD and eating disorders is crucial for developing effective treatment strategies.

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Family Life and Parenting Daniel Dashnaw Family Life and Parenting Daniel Dashnaw

Estranged Father-Daughter Relationships

Estranged father-daughter relationships represent a complex and often painful dynamic within families.

Estrangement, defined as the physical and emotional distancing between family members due to unresolved conflicts or significant differences, affects a substantial number of families.

Let’s explore these estranged relationships, and consider the latest research and insights from thought leaders in the field.

I’ll also discuss the causes and consequences of father-daughter estrangement and potential pathways for reconciliation.

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Family Life and Parenting Daniel Dashnaw Family Life and Parenting Daniel Dashnaw

New study shows finding meaning in daily life boosts kids' mental health

Recent research published in The Humanistic Psychologist reveals a powerful link between finding meaning in daily life and improved mental health in children.

While adults often benefit from having a sense of purpose, this study shows that kids can also reap big rewards from feeling their lives have meaning.

Let’s explore why meaning matters for Kids.

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Family Life and Parenting Daniel Dashnaw Family Life and Parenting Daniel Dashnaw

The surprising link between a father’s age and a child’s risk of bipolar disorder, ADHD, and autism

Recent research has uncovered a startling connection between the age of fathers and the increased risk of their children developing certain mental health conditions, including bipolar disorder, ADHD, and autism.

This revelation has profound implications for both public health policies and individual family planning decisions.

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Family Life and Parenting Daniel Dashnaw Family Life and Parenting Daniel Dashnaw

The impact of active fatherhood on child development

The early years of a child's life are critical in laying the foundation for their overall growth and well-being.

Quality time spent with parents during these formative stages can lead to significant positive outcomes.

Recent research from Japan highlights the crucial role of a father’s involvement in enhancing their child’s mental and physical development.

Simply put, active and engaged fathers contribute to raising well-rounded children.

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Family Life and Parenting Daniel Dashnaw Family Life and Parenting Daniel Dashnaw

Parental alienation and narcissism

Parental alienation is a complex and emotionally charged issue often seen in high-conflict divorces.

When coupled with narcissism, the dynamics become even more toxic, leading to significant psychological damage to the child involved.

Let’s discuss the causes, effects, and potential interventions for families experiencing these challenges.

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Family Life and Parenting Daniel Dashnaw Family Life and Parenting Daniel Dashnaw

What is Hostile Parenting?

Recent research highlights the significant risks associated with hostile parenting, revealing that this approach can increase the likelihood of mental health issues by 150%.

This study, involving over 7,000 children, underscores the need for supportive, consistent, and warm parenting practices.

Let's also explore the philosophical implications of this research and why psychological hostility can be as detrimental as physical hostility.

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Family Life and Parenting Daniel Dashnaw Family Life and Parenting Daniel Dashnaw

How to say goodbye to an estranged child

Navigating the emotional labyrinth of estrangement from a child is a heart-wrenching journey.

When reconciliation seems impossible and you reach the point of saying goodbye, it's crucial to approach the situation with compassion, understanding, and acceptance.

This post explores the steps in saying goodbye to an estranged child, drawing on expert insights and research to provide a thoughtful and compassionate approach.

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