What is Family Constellation Therapy?

Thursday, August 1, 2024.

Family Constellation Therapy, developed by Bert Hellinger, is a unique therapeutic approach that delves into familial dynamics and unresolved ancestral trauma.

This therapy goes beyond conventional psychological paradigms, incorporating metaphysical and spiritual dimensions to offer a profoundly original perspective on healing.

This post will discuss the history, core concepts, methodologies, metaphysical aspects, and educational framework of Family Constellation Therapy.

Origins and Founder’s Ideas

Family Constellation Therapy was founded by Bert Hellinger, whose diverse experiences profoundly shaped his therapeutic approach.

Hellinger’s background as a Catholic priest, missionary, and his exposure to various psychotherapeutic modalities informed his development of this unique therapy.

Central to Hellinger’s work is the belief that unresolved familial issues and systemic entanglements influence individual behavior and well-being.

Bert Hellinger, born on December 16, 1925, in Leimen, Germany, was a notable figure in the world of psychotherapy. He grew up during the turbulent times of World War II, which significantly influenced his worldview and future work. After completing his schooling, Hellinger joined a Catholic seminary and became a priest. He pursued his higher education in theology and philosophy, eventually earning a degree.

Career and Development of Constellation Family Therapy

Hellinger spent 16 years as a missionary in South Africa, where he worked with the Zulu people. During this time, he was deeply influenced by their communal approach to life and their respect for ancestral traditions. These experiences laid the groundwork for his later development of Family Constellation Therapy.

In the late 1960s, Hellinger left the priesthood and began studying various forms of psychotherapy, including psychoanalysis, transactional analysis, primal therapy, and hypnotherapy. His diverse training led him to develop his unique and deeply original therapeutic approach.

Constellation Family Therapy

In the 1990s, Hellinger introduced Family Constellation Therapy, a method that seeks to uncover and resolve deeply rooted family issues.

This therapy focuses on the idea that problems within families can span generations, and by understanding and addressing these hidden dynamics, individuals can achieve healing and personal growth.

Family ConstellationTherapy involves a group process where participants, through the guidance of a facilitator, represent family members or significant figures in the client's life. This representation often reveals subconscious patterns and unresolved conflicts. Hellinger's method emphasizes the importance of acknowledging and respecting these family connections to facilitate healing.

Legacy and Impact

Hellinger's work gained international recognition and sparked interest in the therapeutic community. He authored numerous books and conducted workshops worldwide, sharing his insights and techniques.

Despite some push-back, controversy, and criticism from traditional therapists, Hellinger's methods have been widely adopted and adapted by practitioners globally.

Bert Hellinger passed away on September 19, 2019, leaving behind a profound legacy in the field of psychotherapy. His contributions continue to influence and inspire therapists and folks seeking to understand and heal family dynamics.

Core Concepts of Constellation Family Therapy

Systemic Perspective: The family is viewed as an interconnected system where each member plays a role in the overall dynamics. Issues are seen as symptoms of systemic imbalances.

Orders of Love: Hellinger identified three fundamental "orders of love" that maintain balance within family systems:

Belonging: Every family member has a right to belong to the family system.

Order: Natural hierarchy in families, often based on birth order and roles, must be respected.

Balance of Giving and Taking: Relationships thrive when there is a balanced exchange of giving and receiving.

Entanglements and Resolutions: Unresolved traumas within the family lead to entanglements, where descendants unconsciously adopt the emotions or behaviors of their ancestors. Family Constellation Therapy aims to reveal and resolve these hidden dynamics.


Family Constellation Therapy involves group sessions where a client (the "seeker") presents an issue. Participants are chosen to represent family members, and through guided facilitation, the hidden dynamics of the family system are revealed and addressed.

Setting Up the Constellation: The seeker selects participants to represent family members and positions them in the space according to their intuitive sense of relational dynamics.

Emergence of Dynamics: Representatives often express emotions or sensations that correlate with the actual feelings of the family members they represent.

Facilitation and Resolution: The facilitator guides the process, suggesting movements or statements to address entanglements and restore balance within the family system.

Metaphysical Aspects of Constellation Family Therapy

FamilyConstellation Therapy transcends traditional psychological approaches, incorporating metaphysical concepts that address the spiritual dimensions of human existence.

Hellinger’s work suggests that family systems are influenced by forces beyond the material realm, encompassing ancestral energies, soul connections, and karmic patterns. This is hard for a science-based dude such as myself to grapple with. But I digress.

Ancestral Energies: Hellinger believed that ancestors' unresolved issues influence the lives of their descendants. These ancestral energies, whether of trauma, guilt, or unfulfilled destinies, are carried forward in the family system, affecting present generations.

Soul Connections: Family Constellation Therapy posits that humans are connected at a soul level, where the collective soul of the family system holds memories, traumas, and unresolved conflicts. Healing involves acknowledging these soul connections and allowing the energies to flow harmoniously.

Consequential “Karmic” Patterns: The therapy also explores the concept of karma, where unresolved actions or injustices from past generations influence the present. By bringing these patterns to light, Family Constellation Therapy seeks to break the cycle and promote healing and liberation.

Spiritual Dimensions of Family Constellation Therapy

The spiritual dimensions of Family Constellation Therapy are integral to its practice. This offer a holistic approach to healing that encompasses mind, body, and spirit.

Rituals and Symbolism: The therapy often involves rituals and symbolic actions to facilitate healing. These may include gestures of respect, acknowledgment, and reconciliation, which hold deep spiritual significance.

Connection to Higher Orders: Hellinger’s work emphasizes the existence of higher orders or spiritual laws that govern family systems. Aligning with these higher orders, such as the orders of love, brings harmony and balance to the family.

Healing Transgenerational Trauma: By addressing transgenerational trauma, Family Constellation Therapy fosters spiritual healing that transcends individual experiences. It acknowledges the collective suffering and seeks to restore peace at a soul level.

Educational Framework and Training

Training in Family Constellation Therapy involves immersion into its theoretical foundations, experiential learning, and practical application, with an emphasis on both psychological and metaphysical aspects.

Foundational Courses: Covering the history, core concepts, metaphysical aspects, and principles of Family Constellation Therapy.

Experiential Workshops: Participants engage in constellation work to develop a firsthand understanding of the process, both as seekers and representatives.

Supervision and Practice: Trainees work under supervision to hone their skills in setting up constellations, interpreting dynamics, and facilitating resolutions.

Ethics and Professionalism: Emphasis on ethical considerations, sensitivity, and appropriate application of Family Constellation Therapy in various settings.

Final thoughts

I’m deeply intrigued by Bert Hellinger’s Family Constellation Therapy Model. These are perhaps the most original and ambitious ideas in family therapy today.

Family Constellation Therapy offers more than a unique approach to understanding and resolving familial and systemic issues. It invites people into a spiritual experience.

By acknowledging and addressing hidden dynamics and incorporating metaphysical and spiritual dimensions, this therapeutic model provides pathways to profound healing and transformation. It is a brave, and deeply original set of ideas. I am enjoying learning more about it.

Be Well, Stay Kind, and Godspeed.


Hellinger, B. (2001). Acknowledging what is: Conversations with Bert Hellinger. Zeig, Tucker & Theisen.

Hellinger, B., Weber, G., & Beaumont, H. (1998). Love's hidden symmetry: What makes love work in relationships. Zeig, Tucker & Theisen.

Schneider, J. (2007). Family constellations: Basic principles and procedures. Gestalt Journal Press.

Stiefel, I., Harris, R., & Gilat, I. (2013). Family constellations: A practical guide to uncovering the origins of family conflict. Karnac Books.

Ulsamer, B. (2003). The healing power of the past: The systemic therapy of Bert Hellinger. Zeig, Tucker & Theisen.


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