What Happy Couples Know Daniel Dashnaw What Happy Couples Know Daniel Dashnaw

Happy couples focus on these fights

Dr. John Gottman’s 30+ years of research has consistently focused on what happy couples do differently than couples who unhappily struggle.

He used to call these couples the “Masters of Marriage.” Now, (I imagine in an effort to de-stigmatize cohabitating couples).

These happy couples are now called the “Masters of Relationships.” What can they teach us?

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What Happy Couples Know Daniel Dashnaw What Happy Couples Know Daniel Dashnaw

I swear I can help your marriage

You are in couples therapy to describe your feelings and hopefully, be heard and understood.

For many couples, my therapy office may be the only place where they can engage in authentic conversations.

I make it clear to couples at the outset that I am a fan of strong fu*king language … but only if they are so inclined…

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What Happy Couples Know Daniel Dashnaw What Happy Couples Know Daniel Dashnaw

Anticipatory anxiety and wishful thinking…

Wishful thinking is a captivating subject that reveals into the complexities of human cognition and emotion.

Recent research has shed light on how this phenomenon influences decision-making and success, particularly in times of uncertainty and anxiety.

Studies have shown a strong correlation between feelings of anxiety and insecurity and the propensity for wishful thinking.

When faced with uncertainty, individuals often turn to wishful thinking as a coping mechanism, seeking comfort in optimistic beliefs.

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