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Teen internet use and depression
Excessive internet use is increasingly linked to depression, according to a comprehensive review of recent research.
As a marriage and family therapist, I’ll explore the impacts of internet overuse on adolescent mental health, and best practices for achieving a healthier balance.
Can AI De-professionalize Therapy? The curious case of KAI the AI therapist
Imagine spilling your teenage angst to a robot and actually feeling better!
That's not the opening line to a sci-fi novel but the reality for over 10,000 adolescents who chatted with an AI therapist named KAI.
Over six weeks, these young folks reported improvements in their psychological well-being, according to a recent study.
But could this new wave of AI therapy inadvertently de-professionalize the field of mental health?
The impact of increased screen time on children's mental health and OCD
During the recent COVID pandemic, children's screen time has significantly increased, doubling from previous levels.
This surge in screen usage raises concerns about its impact on mental health, particularly the risk of developing Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD).
Are you ready for a Digital Detox Challenge?
In the span of a generation, society has shifted dramatically from using paper to relying on screens, marking a significant social transformation.
This change has led to an increasing amount of time spent looking at devices rather than engaging with the world around us.
Imagine a Pandemic of Empathy…
In a world where empathy might reign supreme, researchers unveil the hidden mechanisms that shape our capacity to empathize—or remain indifferent.
From the cradle to adulthood, our empathy script is penned by the silent observers of our lives… Let’s jump in!
How Social Media Hijacks Happiness…(especially for materialistic assholes…)
Social media and materialistic assholish inclinations intertwine to foster a distressing cycle of comparison, addiction, and diminished well-being, reveals a recent study. .. Geez.. Let’s jump in!
Facebook Affairs…
Facebook Affairs have emerged as a significant topic in social science research, shedding light on a concerning trend within ostensibly committed relationships.
Research tells us why this is becoming an epidemic…