Why Narcissists Make Lousy Buddhists…

Monday, April 15. 2024.

The Buddhists extol patience as an essential human virtue.

Yet, for some unfortunate souls with dark personalities, it's as if they've been handed a map missing a crucial piece… the virtue of patience.

Let's explore how impatience intertwines with the elusive quest for purpose…

Imagine, if you will, the psyche of a psychopath, a narcissist, or their Machiavellian brethren. They stand at the crossroads of desire and restraint, but their compass spins erratically, unable to find true north. Impulsive, restless, and driven by fleeting whims, they flit from one pursuit to the next, leaving a trail of fractured relationships and unfulfilled promises in their wake.

For these denizens of darkness, the concept of patience is as foreign as a unicorn in a concrete jungle. They crave instant gratification, a quick fix to soothe their restless souls, yet remain oblivious to the deeper currents of fulfillment that ebb and flow with the passage of time.

But why does patience matter, you ask? Ah, therein lies the crux of the matter. Patience isn't merely a virtue; it's the bedrock upon which the edifice of meaning is constructed. It's the steady hand that guides us through life's tempests, the anchor that keeps us grounded amidst the swirling chaos.

Consider the implications: without patience, meaningful work becomes a Sisyphean task, an uphill battle with no summit in sight. Relationships, once thought to be the cornerstone of existence, crumble under the weight of impatience, leaving behind a hollow shell of what could have been.

And what of suffering, that perennial companion on life's journey?

For the dark triad, it's anathema, a thorn in the side of their delicate egos.

They recoil from pain, seeking refuge in the arms of distraction and denial, unaware that true growth only comes through facing adversity head-on.

In the annals of Buddhist wisdom, patience occupies a hallowed place, revered as a potent elixir for the soul.

It's not merely the ability to wait; it's a profound acceptance of life's inherent unpredictability, a willingness to embrace the full spectrum of human experience, both light and shadow.

So, as we traverse the labyrinth of existence, let us pause to ponder the paradox of patience and its absence in the hearts of those with dark personalities.

For in the end, it's not the destination that matters, but the journey itself, and the lessons we glean along the way.

Be Well, Stay Kind, and Godspeed.


Wang, J., Li, T., Wang, K. et al. Patience as a Mediator Between the Dark Triad and Meaning in Life. Applied Research Quality Life 14, 527–543 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11482-018-9627-y


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