3 ways to tell if you have a high IQ

Sunday, May 19, 2024.

Ever wonder if your brainpower extends beyond solving Sudoku puzzles? High personal intelligence might be your superpower.

Here are three ways to tell if you have what it takes…

1. The Social Predictor

People who can predict the behavior of others often exhibit high personal intelligence. This isn't about peering into a crystal ball; it’s about reading social cues and anticipating actions. If you can tell what someone’s about to do just by watching them, you might have a high personal IQ.

Professor John Mayer, a leading expert on personality and intelligence, explains:

“Think of all the ways we read and interpret the people around us each day: We notice body language and facial expressions to estimate one another’s moods. We draw initial guesses about personalities based on how people dress and present themselves, and we adjust how we interact with them accordingly.”

So, if you’re the friend who always knows when a surprise party is coming or can sense when a colleague is about to drop a bombshell, you’re likely high in personal intelligence. This ability to read and predict social behavior means you’re navigating the complex web of human interactions with ease.

2. The Self-Motivator

Another hallmark of high personal intelligence is self-motivation. This goes beyond the usual pep talks you give yourself in the mirror. It’s about deeply understanding your goals and the drive to achieve them, no matter the distractions.

People with high personal IQs can often push through procrastination and stay focused on their objectives. They have a knack for setting and sticking to long-term goals, even when binge-watching a new series on Netflix seems like a great idea.

3. The Desire Decoder

Being able to anticipate desires—both your own and others—is another sign of high personal intelligence. If you often know what someone needs before they say it, you’re likely operating on a higher level of personal IQ.

As Professor Mayer points out:

“We run through scenarios in our heads, trying to anticipate how others will react, to choose the best course in dealing with a boss, a coworker, or a partner.”

This skill makes you a great friend or partner and likely makes you make better life decisions. You can navigate relationships and social settings with finesse by understanding and predicting desires and reactions.

The Broader Perspective on Personal Intelligence

Personal intelligence is more than just traditional IQ. It’s about using your cognitive abilities to understand and predict the behaviors and personalities of those around you. This involves a sophisticated mix of empathy, self-awareness, and social insight.

As Professor Mayer summarizes:

“People who are high in personal intelligence can anticipate their own desires and actions, predict the behavior of others, motivate themselves over the long term, and make better life decisions.”

This multifaceted intelligence is about more than just being smart; it’s about being perceptive and responsive to the complexities of human interactions.

For a deeper dive into the fascinating world of personal intelligence, check out Professor Mayer's book, Personal Intelligence: The Power of Personality and How It Shapes Our Lives, published by Scientific American/Farrar, Straus and Giroux in 2014.

So, the next time you correctly predict that your friend is about to order dessert just before they open their mouth, give yourself a mental high-five. Your personal intelligence is on point!

Be Well, Stay Kind, and Godspeed.


Check out Dr. Mayer’s book- Personal Intelligence: The Power of Personality and How It Shapes Our Lives and is published by Scientific American/Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2014.


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