Couples Therapy and the Conflicts Seen on r/relationship_advice

Monday, September 9, 2024.

In Reddit’s r/relationship_advice, thousands of people post daily about their relationship challenges. These stories range from small disagreements to major conflicts that leave people questioning the future of their partnerships.

While the community is quick to offer support and advice, sometimes even the best Reddit suggestions fall short of offering a solution tailored to the unique emotional dynamics of a couple. This is where couples therapy comes in.

Therapy offers a personalized, evidence-based approach to addressing conflict, helping couples understand the root causes of their problems and work toward lasting solutions.

Common Conflicts Seen on Reddit and How Therapy Can Help

Communication Breakdowns
One of the most frequent themes in r/relationship_advice is communication struggles. Couples often post about feeling misunderstood, unheard, or constantly engaged in conflict without ever resolving the underlying issues.

For instance, u/whyisthissohard writes:

"We can’t seem to have a conversation without it turning into a fight. It’s like we’re speaking two different languages, and I feel like I’m constantly walking on eggshells."

In therapy, we teach couples to use specific communication techniques designed to reduce conflict and promote understanding. One such tool is non-violent communication (NVC), which encourages couples to focus on their own feelings and needs rather than blaming or criticizing their partner. NVC can be especially useful in de-escalating arguments and fostering empathy.

Additionally, therapy helps couples understand their individual communication styles. Often, couples fall into demand-withdraw patterns, where one partner pushes for more communication and the other withdraws. Therapy can help break this cycle, allowing both partners to feel heard and respected.

Mismatched Expectations
Many Reddit posts center around unmet or mismatched expectations. Whether it’s about household chores, finances, or emotional availability, these conflicts can build resentment over time. As u/expectationsoutthewindow shares:

"I feel like I’m doing all the emotional labor in this relationship. My partner doesn’t seem to care about the things I care about, and I’m starting to resent them for it."

Couples therapy is essential for identifying unspoken expectations that may be at the root of conflict. Often, these expectations are based on personal history, cultural upbringing, or past relationship experiences. Therapy provides a neutral space to openly discuss these expectations, clarifying what each partner wants and needs from the relationship.

Therapists also guide couples in setting realistic expectations, creating space for compromise and mutual understanding. In therapy, both partners can negotiate responsibilities, emotional needs, and relationship goals, ensuring that neither person feels overwhelmed or undervalued.

Trust and Betrayal
Posts about trust and betrayal are abundant on r/relationship_advice. Whether it's about infidelity, lying, or secret-keeping, many Reddit users are unsure how to rebuild trust after it’s been broken. Consider u/trustissuesagain:

"I found out my partner was texting their ex. They say it was innocent, but I feel betrayed. I don’t know how to trust them again."

Rebuilding trust is one of the most difficult challenges couples face, and therapy offers structured ways to address it. In therapy, partners work on transparency and rebuilding accountability, two pillars of trust restoration. This could involve committing to more open communication, establishing boundaries, or agreeing on specific steps to rebuild trust.

Therapists also guide couples through the process of forgiveness and repair. Research by psychologist Janis Abrahms Spring (2004) shows that forgiveness is a process that requires time, patience, and structured support.

Therapy helps the hurt partner express their feelings of betrayal in a way that doesn’t further damage the relationship, while guiding the partner who broke the trust in understanding the impact of their actions and making amends.

For example, a therapist might introduce repair rituals, where the betraying partner takes intentional steps to show accountability and dedication, gradually easing the fears of the hurt partner. Trust-building exercises, such as consistent check-ins and clarity about personal boundaries, also help foster safety and security over time.

Emotional Disconnection
Another recurring theme on Reddit is emotional disconnection, where one partner feels distant or disengaged, leading the other to feel neglected and unloved. Posts like this are common:

u/feelingaloneagain writes:

"We’re together, but I feel like we’re living separate lives. They don’t talk to me about their feelings anymore, and I’m starting to feel invisible."

Emotional disconnection can result from stress, trauma, or long-standing relationship patterns, but therapy can help couples reconnect.

Using techniques from Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT), therapists work with couples to identify their emotional needs and vulnerabilities. EFT focuses on strengthening emotional bonds by encouraging partners to express their deepest fears and desires in a way that fosters closeness and empathy (Johnson, 2004).

Through therapy, emotionally disconnected couples learn to recognize negative interaction patterns, such as avoidance or passive aggression, and replace them with behaviors that promote intimacy and openness. For example, a therapist might guide the distant partner in becoming more attuned to the other’s emotional cues, encouraging them to validate and acknowledge their partner’s feelings regularly.

Vulnerability exercises are often used to deepen emotional intimacy. These involve structured conversations where each partner shares personal stories, fears, and aspirations, allowing them to see each other’s humanity and strengthen their emotional connection.

Financial Conflict
Many Reddit posts touch on the challenges couples face regarding finances. Whether it’s differing spending habits, financial infidelity (hiding purchases), or disagreement over long-term financial goals, money can be a major source of tension in relationships. One post that sums this up reads:


"I’m a saver, and my partner is a spender. Every month, we argue about where our money goes, and I feel like we’ll never get on the same page."

Couples therapy offers practical solutions to financial conflicts by helping partners establish shared financial goals and discussing their relationship with money. Many times, financial behaviors are deeply tied to emotional experiences and childhood influences, which therapy can help uncover.

For instance, one partner may have grown up in a financially insecure household, making them anxious about spending, while the other may see money as a tool for enjoyment or relaxation.

Therapists help couples have open financial discussions without triggering defensiveness, guiding them in developing a budget or financial plan that respects both partners’ values and goals. By identifying the emotional triggers behind financial disagreements, therapy also reduces the tension surrounding money.

Couples Therapy as a Personalized Solution

Reddit’s r/relationship_advice is a great place to get a sense of what issues are common in relationships, but every couple’s situation is unique.

That’s where couples therapy comes in—it offers tailored solutions based on each couple’s specific dynamics, needs, and goals.

In therapy, we don’t just treat the symptoms (e.g., constant arguments, trust issues, emotional disconnection), we look at the deeper root causes. For example, communication breakdowns often stem from unresolved emotional wounds, and therapy allows us to address those in a safe, structured environment.

Therapy also offers a place to practice new relational skills in real-time. Whether it’s learning to have productive conversations around difficult topics, building empathy through vulnerability, or setting healthy boundaries, couples therapy is about transforming the way partners interact, so they can move forward with greater trust, intimacy, and understanding.

Reddit Offers Stories, Therapy Offers Solutions

While r/relationship_advice provides a snapshot of common relationship issues, solid, science-based couples therapy offers the tools and techniques needed to resolve these conflicts for good.

The recurring problems on Reddit—communication breakdowns, mismatched expectations, trust issues, and emotional disconnection—are all issues that can be transformed through the tailored, evidence-based support of good couples therapy.I can help with that.

If you find yourself identifying with any of these Reddit dilemmas, it might be time to take the next step and consider couples therapy. Together, we can break the cycle of conflict, rebuild trust, and create the kind of relationship you deserve.

Be Well, Stay Kind, and Godspeed.


Johnson, S. M. (2004). The Practice of Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy: Creating Connection. Routledge.

Spring, J. A. (2004). How Can I Forgive You? The Courage to Forgive, the Freedom Not To. HarperCollins.


Why Some Relationships Survive Infidelity and Others Don’t: Insights from Reddit’s r/infidelity and Science-based Couples Therapy


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