7 Pre-Marriage Counseling Questions…

Friday, February 23, I’m so delighted whenever I get a chance to do premarital counseling. Here are some questions to dive into before you see me.

This is for S & V, who came prepared!

  • What Are Our Expectations for Marriage?

  • This is the Biggie. Dive deeper into specific aspects such as roles and responsibilities, division of labor, career aspirations, and personal growth.

Discuss any fears or concerns about marriage and how you plan to address them together.

Explore the notion of "forever" and how you both understand and commit to the longevity of your relationship.

  • How Do We Handle Conflict?

Consider past conflicts and analyze their root causes, triggers, and resolutions.

Explore any underlying emotions or unmet needs that may contribute to recurring conflicts.

Discuss your conflict resolution styles in high-stress situations and how you can support each other during disagreements.

  • What Are Our Communication Styles?

Delve into your communication patterns during both positive and challenging moments.

Explore the impact of non-verbal communication on your interactions, such as body language and tone of voice.

Practice active listening techniques, empathetic responding, and validation of each other's perspectives.

  • How Do We Handle Finances?

Discuss your attitudes towards money, including any financial fears, insecurities, or past experiences.

Explore your financial values and priorities as a couple, such as saving for the future, giving to charity, or investing in experiences.

Create a detailed financial plan that includes budgeting, saving goals, debt management, and long-term financial objectives.

  • What Are Our Expectations Regarding Family and Children?

Explore your childhood experiences and how they may influence your parenting styles and family dynamics.

Discuss potential conflicts or challenges related to extended family involvement, cultural expectations, or religious beliefs.

Consider alternative family structures, such as co-parenting agreements or support networks for non-traditional families.

  • How Do We Maintain Intimacy and Connection?

Discuss your love languages and how you prefer to give and receive affection, appreciation, and support.

Explore ways to keep the romance alive in your relationship, such as date nights, shared hobbies, or love rituals.

Address any concerns or insecurities related to physical intimacy, sexual satisfaction, or body image.

  • What Are Our Individual Identities Within the Relationship?

Reflect on your personal values, passions, and interests that contribute to your sense of self.

Discuss boundaries and autonomy within the relationship, including maintaining separate interests and friendships.

Explore ways to support each other's personal goals and aspirations while also nurturing your shared dreams and ambitions.

Final thoughts…

Pre-marriage counseling offers couples valuable opportunities to strengthen their relationship and lay a solid foundation for a fulfilling and enduring marriage.

By asking yourselves these essential questions and engaging in open and honest discussions about pre-marital counseling questions, you can identify areas for shared exploration and build a solid foundation to withstand the challenges and joys of married life.

By delving deeper into these questions and engaging in open, honest, and vulnerable conversations, couples can gain a deeper understanding of themselves and each other, identify potential growth areas, and strengthen their bond as they prepare for the journey of marriage. I can help with that.

Be well, stay kind, and Godspeed.


Gottman, John. The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work.

Johnson, Sue. Hold Me Tight: Seven Conversations for a Lifetime of Love.

Schnarch, David. Passionate Marriage: Keeping Love and Intimacy Alive in Committed Relationships.

Real, Terry. The New Rules of Marriage: What You Need to Know to Make Love Work.


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