Eyes Wide or Narrow: What your gaze reveals about your emotions

Tuesday, July 16, 2024.

As a couples therapist, I often hear the phrase, "The eyes are the windows to the soul."

But did you know that those windows can reveal an astonishing amount about a person's emotions?

Recent research suggests that the way people widen or narrow their eyes can tell us volumes about what they're feeling.

Let's explore the science behind this fascinating phenomenon and compare it to our well-documented struggle to detect lies.

Eye Movements and Emotional Clues

When it comes to understanding emotions, the eyes have it. A study published in Psychological Science has shown that the simple act of narrowing or widening your eyes can signal a wealth of information about your emotional state.

Narrowing Eyes:

When someone's eyes narrow, it often means they are scrutinizing or judging a situation. This could indicate:





Imagine Larry David from Curb Your Enthusiasm, with his characteristic squint. That squint isn’t just a comical gesture—it's a powerful cue that he's scrutinizing or questioning something.

Widening Eyes:

On the other hand, when someone’s eyes widen, it suggests heightened sensitivity to their surroundings. This could indicate:




Think of the last time you saw something truly astonishing or heard a sudden, unexpected noise. Your eyes likely widened as you took in the details or prepared for a reaction.

Vision and Emotion: A Perfect Pair

The connection between eye movements and emotions isn’t just coincidental; it’s deeply rooted in how our eyes function.

Narrowing our eyes helps us focus on distant objects, providing clarity in potentially threatening situations. Widening them lets in more light, enhancing our perception when we need to gather as much information as possible, like in moments of surprise or interest.

Dr. Daniel H. Lee, the lead author of the study, explains it perfectly:

“For example, if you’re watching Curb Your Enthusiasm and wonder why Larry David squints his eyes to convey scrutiny, our work offers a theory that explains it. Narrowing the eyes for visual scrutiny also communicates scrutiny.”

The complexity of human expressions

Despite the simplicity of the eye movement, human facial expressions are incredibly complex.

According to Dr. Lee, there are approximately 3.7 x 10¹⁶ different expression combinations, a number comparable to winning two Powerball jackpots simultaneously. Yet, within this vast range, the basic act of widening or narrowing the eyes captures a significant portion of our social communication.

The Eyes Versus Detecting Lies

Now, let's compare this to the research on lie detection.

  • Human beings, on average, notoriously suck at spotting lies. Even with training, our accuracy only slightly improves. This difficulty arises because lies often involve subtle, inconsistent cues that are easy to miss or misinterpret.

  • However, the simplicity and clarity of eye movements as emotional signals provide a stark contrast.

  • While detecting deception involves parsing through a multitude of ambiguous indicators, interpreting eye movements can be much more straightforward. If your partner’s eyes narrow, they might be scrutinizing what you’re saying. If their eyes widen, they could be genuinely surprised or interested.

Practical implications in relationships

As a couples therapist, I find this research particularly valuable.

Understanding the non-verbal cues of your partner can significantly enhance communication.

The next time you’re in a conversation, pay attention to their eyes. Are they narrowing in scrutiny or widening in surprise? These subtle signals can give you real-time feedback on their emotional state, helping you navigate your interactions more effectively.

Final thoughts

In the realm of human emotions, the eyes truly are a powerful tool.

While we may struggle to detect lies with precision, the widening and narrowing of eyes provide a reliable indicator of how someone is feeling.

So, whether you’re watching Curb Your Enthusiasm or having a heart-to-heart with your partner, remember to look into their eyes—you might just see more than you expected.

By getting curious and noticing these subtle cues, we can foster better communication, empathy, and connection in our relationships. And isn’t that what we’re all striving for?

For more insights into emotional cues and relationship advice, stay tuned to this blog.

Be Well Stay Kind, and Godspeed.


Lee, D. H., & Anderson, A. K. (2017). Reading What the Mind Thinks From How the Eye Sees. Psychological Science, 28(4), 494-503. https://doi.org/10.1177/0956797616687364


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