The power of abstract thinking…

Sunday, November 19, 2023. This one is for my housemate Meg’s future self…

Ever ponder the intricate dance of understanding how others perceive you?

It's a puzzle we all try to solve, isn't it? .. LOL.. studies like this just show how self-absorbed we’ve become.

Now, delving into the realm of psychological science, where the mind's mysteries are under constant scrutiny, let's unravel some insights to make this task a tad less perplexing, shall we?

In the vast landscape of human psychology, researchers Eyal and Epley (2010) shed light on a fascinating approach to comprehending how others view us…

Picture this: you're in a lively conversation, contemplating the vibes you're sending out into the world. But, hold on, there's a catch.

It turns out our minds are like personalized filters, tinted by our beliefs and thoughts – a phenomenon they call 'egocentric bias.' Essentially, we all tend to believe the universe revolves around our own self-absorbed, sorry asses!

Now, the common advice is to step into someone else's shoes, right? Well, surprise! According to Eyal and Epley's study, that might not be the smartypants move we thought it was.

How the study was conducted

In a clever experiment in which humans were asked to rate their attractiveness to someone else, the first group tried the classic approach of thinking like the other person. The result? Way off the mark! No connection between their perception and reality.

Now, here's the game-changer – the second group was prompted to imagine being rated by that person several months down the line. Suddenly, their accuracy skyrocketed. Turns out, thinking abstractly about our future selves acts like a mental magic wand, offering us a fresh, novel perspective.

Now, let's bring this gem into the world of Gottman therapy, where the focus is on nurturing robust relationships. Envision a savvy therapist saying, "can we fast forward a bit and imagine how your future self might sees this conflict a year from now?”

The power of abstract thinking…

In the grand tapestry of relationships, abstract thinking can be an incredibly potent tool.

The next time you’re ruminating on the interpersonal dynamics with a friends or partner, imagining your future self might just be the secret sauce for a much clearer and more accurate self-perception.

While the study didn't specifically dive into relationship dynamics, the application is readily apparent to me.

Understanding how a friend perceives you, or gracefully maneuvering through moments of embarrassment, might become more reliable with this abstract thinking hack (Eyal & Epley, 2010).

So, the next time you're contemplating the vibes you're sending out, conjure the image of your future self to see if you’re getting a nod of approval. It's a savvy hack that might just elevate your ability to see yourself through the eyes of those around you.

The simple fact is that we are blinded by how much we know about ourselves. But once we begin to think about ourselves in the future tense, it directs our mind to a more abstract level. This permits us to more accurately grok ourselves through another human’s eyes.

Be well, stay kind, and Godspeed.


Eyal, T. & Epley, N. (2010). How to Seem Telepathic: Enabling Mind Reading by Matching Construal. Psychological Science. DOI: 10.1177/0956797610367754.


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