What’s the essential difference between healthy self-esteem… and Narcissism?

Thursday, April 18, 2024.

The distinction between being a narcissist and possessing high self-esteem is crucial yet often misunderstood.

While both may involve feeling good about oneself, the underlying dynamics and behaviors are distinct.

Narcissists, despite their outward displays of superiority, often struggle with a deep-seated sense of inadequacy.

This is evident in their inability to handle criticism, a hallmark trait of narcissists…

In contrast, folks with high self-esteem feel good about themselves but do not necessarily view themselves as superior to others. As a result, they are more resilient to criticism…

Dr. Eddie Brummelman, in his research on the subject, highlighted this difference, stating, "Narcissists feel superior to others but aren't necessarily satisfied with themselves." This dissatisfaction often leads narcissists to seek constant admiration from others, and they can become aggressive when this admiration is not forthcoming.

The roots of narcissism can often be traced back to childhood, where overvaluing children may contribute to the development of narcissistic traits.

To counteract this, Dr. Brummelman suggests that parents and educators focus on expressing affection and appreciation to children without proclaiming them as superior to others. This approach can help children develop a healthy self-esteem without developing narcissistic tendencies.

Final thoughts

Moreover, interventions aimed at reducing narcissism and promoting self-esteem are essential, particularly in today's society, where narcissistic traits are on the rise among youth.

If we encourage humans to internalize appreciation for others and to focus on similarities rather than differences, we can reduce narcissistic tendencies and promote healthier self-esteem.

While both narcissism and high self-esteem involve positive self-regard, the way they manifest and their underlying motivations are distinct.

Understanding these differences is crucial for developing effective interventions and promoting healthier psychological well-being.

Be Well, Stay Kind, and Godspeed.


Brummelman, E., Thomaes, S., & Sedikides, C. (2016). Narcissism Versus Self-Esteem: A Resource Allocation Perspective. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 25(1), 8-13.


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