The surprising link between fluid intelligence and short-term memory

Thursday, July 4, 2024. This is for my dear friend, Lisa DelMonte, who is a puzzle-solving savant.

Ever wonder if you have a high fluid IQ? Well, it might be hiding in your short-term memory!

Psychological research reveals that the ability to store more items in short-term memory indicates a higher fluid IQ.

While our long-term memory might feel like a never-ending attic, our short-term memory is more like a tiny closet—much smaller and a bit cramped.

The average number of things people can store in short-term memory, whether words, numbers, or random facts, is around four. And don't blink, because short-term memory only lasts about 15 to 30 seconds.

However, if you can juggle more than four items in your short-term memory, it suggests you might have an above-average IQ. But hold on—being able to store these items clearly is NOT linked to IQ. Dr. Keisuke Fukuda, the study’s first author, says, “Clarity relates to how well a person can detect small changes.” So, while a high IQ is linked to the quantity of items you can store, it’s not about the quality.

How The Study Was Conducted

In the study, 79 participants had their fluid intelligence tested.

Fluid intelligence refers to the speed at which the brain processes information—think of it as the raw power of an engine or the speed at which your computer runs. Participants were shown between four and eight items on a screen simultaneously. After a second, they were shown another object and asked whether it had appeared in a particular location.

Interestingly, people with higher fluid intelligence were better at remembering if they had seen the item before. However, their ability to remember where the item had been was no better than anyone else's. Professor Edward Awh, the study’s co-author, explains, “The number of things people can remember is robustly correlated with fluid intelligence—the larger number remembered, the higher the IQ. Resolution in memory is not predictive of IQ at all.”

What Is Fluid Intelligence?

Fluid intelligence is like the horsepower of your brain—it determines how quickly and efficiently you can process new information and solve problems. Unlike crystallized intelligence, which relies on knowledge and skills acquired over time, fluid intelligence is more about the ability to think on your feet, make quick decisions, and adapt to new situations.

Why Does This Matter?

Understanding the connection between short-term memory capacity and fluid intelligence opens up new avenues for enhancing cognitive abilities and tailoring learning strategies.

Practical applications of this research

Learning and Education: Understanding the link between short-term memory and fluid intelligence can help educators tailor learning strategies. Students with higher fluid IQ might benefit from techniques that leverage their ability to handle more information at once. For instance, complex subjects could be broken down into smaller, digestible parts that maximize short-term memory capacity.

Workplace Efficiency: Employers could use this knowledge to optimize job assignments. Employees with higher fluid intelligence might excel in roles requiring quick information processing and multitasking. Knowing this, companies could develop targeted training programs to enhance these cognitive skills among their workforce.

Personal Development: Individuals can use memory exercises to potentially boost their fluid intelligence. Techniques like chunking (grouping information) can enhance short-term memory capacity, possibly leading to better cognitive performance. Mindfulness practices and brain-training games could also help in strengthening these abilities.

Cognitive Assessments: This research can refine cognitive tests, making them more accurate in measuring fluid intelligence by focusing on the quantity of information stored rather than clarity. This could lead to better identification of individuals' strengths and areas for improvement, fostering a more personalized approach to education and professional development.

Medical and Psychological Interventions: In clinical settings, understanding the dynamics of fluid intelligence and short-term memory could help in diagnosing and treating cognitive impairments. Therapies could be designed to specifically target and improve short-term memory capacity, thereby enhancing overall cognitive functioning.

Unlocking your brain's potential

Imagine improving your fluid intelligence by simply enhancing your short-term memory. It’s like upgrading the RAM in your computer—suddenly, everything runs smoother and faster. Memory exercises, brain-training apps, and even certain lifestyle changes like regular physical exercise and a healthy diet can boost these cognitive capabilities.

Final Thoughts

This research not only deepens our understanding of the human brain but also offers practical insights into improving our cognitive functions.

While the quality of your short-term memory might not indicate your IQ, the quantity certainly can. So, next time you remember more than four items at once, give yourself a pat on the back—you might just be flexing your fluid intelligence muscles!

Person… Woman…Man… Camera.. TV.. HOORAY!

Hoewever, harnessing the power of short-term memory could be the key to unlocking higher fluid intelligence, leading to better problem-solving abilities, quicker learning, and overall enhanced mental performance. Now that's something worth remembering!

Be Well, Stay Kind, and Godspeed.


Fukuda, K., Vogel, E., Mayr, U. et al. Quantity, not quality: the relationship between fluid intelligence and working memory capacity. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 17, 673–679 (2010).


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