The argument for Pronatalism…

Monday, October 16, 2023.

Do we have a moral duty to procreate?

I mean, in a world that is rapidly running out of infants, it’s a helluva good question. Here are some compelling arguments for making babies…

Pronatalists argue that bringing new life into the world creates the potential for immense well-being and happiness. They contend that by procreating, individuals have the opportunity to provide a fulfilling and joyful life for their offspring.

This perspective is often rooted in the belief that life is intrinsically valuable and that the pursuit of happiness and well-being is a fundamental human goal.

I’m so down with that.

Certainly, so far, so good…with my bias fully in view, let's expand on the major ideas of pronatalism, as advocated by Simone and Malcolm Collins:

The Joy of Parenting

Personal Fulfillment - Pronatalists argue that becoming parents can bring immense personal fulfillment and meaning to individuals' lives. They contend that the act of raising and nurturing a child can provide a profound sense of purpose, love, and happiness.

Contribution to Society - Pronatalists assert that raising children contributes positively to society by producing responsible citizens who can contribute to the betterment of their communities and the world. They argue that children can become valuable members of society and make important contributions.

Pronatalists highlight the creative potential of future generations. They argue that each new generation brings fresh perspectives, ideas, and talents to the world, which can lead to cultural, artistic, and scientific innovations.

Preserving Family Legacy

  • Pronatalists often emphasize the importance of preserving family legacies and traditions by having children. They argue that by having offspring, individuals ensure the continuation of their family name, heritage, and values. Therefore, there is a moral duty to procreate.

Ensuring Adequate Care and Education

Pronatalists argue that parents have a moral obligation to provide their children with a good life, including access to education, healthcare, and a supportive environment. They believe that by procreating, individuals can actively fulfill this responsibility.

Human Progress and Innovation

Population Growth and Technological Advancement - Pronatalists argue that population growth drives innovation and technological progress. They contend that a growing population fosters competition, leading to advancements in various fields and improvements in the quality of life.

Continuation of Human Civilization - Pronatalists assert that procreation is essential for the continuation of human civilization. They argue that without new generations, society would stagnate and decline, as there would be no one to carry forward the values, culture, and progress of previous generations. This perspective emphasizes the importance of family and generational bonds.

Final Thoughts on Pronatalism...

Pronatalism offers a range of ideas and arguments in favor of procreation, rooted in notions of well-being, personal fulfillment, societal contributions, ethical responsibilities, and progress.

However, these ideas are not without their critiques, which highlight concerns related to suffering, environmental impact, individual autonomy, and alternative means of achieving the same goals.

The debate surrounding pronatalism remains complex and multifaceted, and individuals continue to grapple with the ethical implications of bringing new life into the world. it’s a topic which requires far more gravitas than we have allocated.

Be well, stay kind, and Godspeed.


Nurturing the Spiritual Child: A family therapist's perspective on "The Spiritual Child" by Lisa Miller, Ph.D.


The argument against Pronatalism…