Neo-Prudism vs. Hookup Culture: A Cultural Shift with Deep Implications

Friday, August 23, 2024.

In recent years, a fascinating cultural shift has been quietly gaining momentum—neo-prudism.

This emerging trend represents a pushback against the pervasive hookup culture that has dominated the social landscape, particularly among younger generations.

But what exactly is neo-prudism, and why is it gaining traction now?

Let’s dive into the nuances of this movement, explore its roots in evolutionary psychology and feminist thought, and consider what its rise might mean for society at large.

Understanding Neo-Prudism in the Context of Hookup Culture

Hookup culture has become a hallmark of modern social life, especially with the advent of dating apps like Tinder and Bumble, which make casual, commitment-free sexual encounters more accessible than ever before.

This culture is often celebrated for promoting sexual liberation and personal autonomy, allowing folks to explore their desires without the constraints of traditional relationships.

Recent social science research attributes hookup culture directly to second wave feminism (Martino, R. M., Roberts, S. R., Maheux, A. J., Stout, C. D., & Choukas-Bradley, S. (2024), which I discuss in another post.

However, not everyone is on board with this cultural shift.

Enter neo-prudism—a contemporary reaction against the norms of hookup culture.

Unlike the prudishness of the past, which was often rooted in religious or moralistic values, neo-prudism is informed by modern concerns about mental health, emotional well-being, and the long-term consequences of casual sex.

This movement advocates for a return to more conservative sexual ethics, emphasizing the importance of emotional intimacy, long-term commitment, and the potential risks of a hypersexualized society.

In many ways, neo-prudism is a response to the unintended consequences of a culture that has, perhaps, swung too far in the direction of sexual freedom.

Evolutionary Psychology: The Foundations of Neo-Prudism

To truly understand neo-prudism, we must look to evolutionary psychology, a field that offers valuable insights into human sexual behavior.

David Buss, a leading figure in this discipline, has explored the evolutionary basis for both short-term and long-term mating strategies.

According to Buss (2016), while short-term mating can be advantageous in certain contexts, it often comes at a cost to emotional and relational health.

Humans have evolved to form deep emotional bonds, which are crucial for the stable upbringing of offspring and the cohesion of social groups.

However, the rise of hookup culture—an environment that prioritizes short-term sexual gratification—may be exacerbating feelings of loneliness, anxiety, and depression. Neo-prudism can be seen as an adaptive response to these issues, advocating for a revaluation of the benefits of long-term commitment and emotional connection.

The Feminist Perspective: Louise Perry’s Critique of Hookup Culture

Feminist thought also plays a significant role in the neo-prudish critique of hookup culture.

Louise Perry, a feminist author, has been particularly vocal about the downsides of the sexual revolution. In her book The Case Against the Sexual Revolution (2022), Perry argues that while sexual liberation has offered certain freedoms, it has also placed women in vulnerable positions, often leading to emotional harm and exploitation.

Perry’s perspective aligns with neo-prudism by highlighting how the normalization of casual sex can disadvantage women, despite the promises of empowerment that often accompany discussions of sexual freedom.

According to Perry, hookup culture frequently benefits men more than women, as it allows men to enjoy sexual access without the responsibilities of a committed relationship. Neo-prudism, therefore, advocates for a shift toward relationships that prioritize mutual respect, emotional intimacy, and long-term stability.

Amy Wax: A Conservative Critique of Modern Sexual Norms

Amy Wax is an American law professor and neurologist. She is known for her conservative views and has also been a prominent critic of modern sexual norms.

Wax argues that the breakdown of traditional values, including the rise of hookup culture and the decline of marriage, has contributed to social instability and individual psychological distress. For Wax, neo-prudism represents a necessary corrective to the excesses of sexual liberation.

Wax’s critiques often focus on the societal costs of abandoning traditional sexual ethics.

She suggests that a return to more conservative values could help restore social stability, strengthen family structures, and promote individual well-being. While her views are polarizing, they resonate with those who are concerned about the long-term implications of a culture that prioritizes sexual freedom over emotional connection.

The Evolution of the Neo-Prudism Movement

The continuation of the neo-prudism movement can be examined through its slowly increasing influence in various societal domains.

This emerging cultural shift reflects a more profound reassessment and resentment of how sexual norms impact individual and collective well-being.

For example, social media is becoming decidedly unsympathetic toward 40-something women with children breaking up their homes to focus on sexual adventures with new lovers. This sort of Cultural Narcissism has gotten old, and is now being savaged mercilessly in social media.

Changes in Cultural Narratives and Media Representation

If neo-prudism gains traction (and it well may not), we can expect to see a notable shift in cultural narratives and media representation.

Historically, media has played a significant role in normalizing and promoting hookup culture, often portraying casual sexual encounters as a normative and desirable aspect of modern life.

Television shows, movies, and music videos frequently depict sexual freedom and casual relationships as glamorous and liberating, contributing to the widespread acceptance of these behaviors.

However, if neo-prudism becomes more influential, a counter-movement within the media may highlight the emotional and psychological consequences of such lifestyles.

For instance, narratives exploring hookup culture's downsides—such as emotional detachment, feelings of emptiness, and the difficulties in forming lasting relationships—could become more prevalent. Stories that emphasize the importance of emotional connection, commitment, and the value of traditional courtship may also gain popularity.

Influential content creators and social media influencers who align with neo-prudish values will likely play a key role in shaping these new cultural narratives. As these voices grow in influence, they can challenge the prevailing norms and promote a more conservative approach to relationships, which could, in turn, influence mainstream media to adopt similar themes.

The Role of Educational Reforms and Neo-Prudism

Education is another critical area where the influence of neo-prudism may manifest.

Current sexual education programs in many Western countries often emphasize the importance of consent, safe sex, and sexual autonomy.

While these aspects are crucial, the rise of neo-prudism may lead to a broader and more holistic approach to sexual education—one that includes discussions on emotional well-being, the psychological impacts of casual sex, and the benefits of long-term relationships.

Educational reforms might include curricula that encourage young people to think critically about the consequences of casual sex and to consider the value of emotional intimacy and commitment. This could involve integrating evolutionary psychology teachings, highlighting the long-term benefits of stable pair bonding for both individual well-being and societal cohesion.

Additionally, these reforms could emphasize the importance of building healthy, respectful relationships that prioritize emotional connection and mutual care. By educating young people on these values, neo-prudism could contribute to a cultural shift that reduces the prevalence of hookup culture and promotes more stable, fulfilling relationships.

Legal and Policy Implications of Neo-Prudism

The rise of neo-prudism may also have significant legal and policy implications.

As the movement gains traction, there could be increased advocacy for policies that support traditional family structures and encourage long-term relationships. For example, tax incentives for married couples, parental leave support, and initiatives promoting family stability might become more prominent.

Furthermore, there may be a push for policies that discourage behaviors associated with hookup culture, such as the decriminalization of certain types of consensual sex work or the regulation of pornography.

These policies could be framed as efforts to protect individuals—especially women—from the exploitation and emotional harm that can arise from casual sexual encounters.

In addition to influencing domestic policy, neo-prudism could also have an impact on international discussions around sexual health and education. Culturally conservative countries might find common ground with neo-prudish advocates in the West, leading to collaborations that promote more traditional approaches to sex and relationships on a global scale.

Social and Psychological Well-being: The Consequences of Neo-Prudism

From a psychological perspective, neo-prudism’s emphasis on emotional connection and long-term commitment could have substantial benefits for mental health.

Research has shown that stable, committed relationships are associated with a range of positive outcomes, including lower levels of anxiety and depression, greater life satisfaction, and improved physical health (Pinker, 2011).

By encouraging folks to prioritize emotional intimacy and long-term commitment, neo-prudism may help mitigate the negative psychological impacts associated with hookup culture. This shift could lead to a decrease in the prevalence of issues such as loneliness, depression, and relationship instability, which have become increasingly common in modern societies.

Moreover, the movement could foster greater community and social cohesion.

As people begin to value stable relationships and family structures, society as a whole may benefit from increased social support networks, reduced crime rates, and greater overall well-being.

Intersection with Feminist Thought and Gender Dynamics

Neo-prudism also intersects with feminist thought, particularly in its critique of how hookup culture has impacted gender dynamics.

While some feminists celebrate sexual liberation as a victory for women’s rights, others, like Louise Perry, argue that this liberation has had unintended consequences that often disadvantage women.

Perry’s work, along with similar feminist critiques, suggests that neo-prudism could offer a more balanced approach to gender relations.

Neo-prudism may help address some of the power imbalances and emotional harm that can arise in casual sexual encounters by promoting relationships based on mutual respect, emotional intimacy, and long-term commitment. This could lead to healthier, more equitable relationships between men and women, where both parties are invested in each other’s well-being and long-term happiness.

Final thoughts

Neo-prudism represents a significant cultural shift—a pushback against the norms of hookup culture that prioritizes emotional connection, long-term commitment, and the well-being of individuals and society. Informed by evolutionary psychology, feminist critiques, and the perspectives of social media thought leaders, neo-prudism offers a compelling alternative to the challenges posed by a hypersexualized culture.

This is a very quiet meme on social media, but it continues to gain momentum. Should it go viral, it may lead to profound changes in how we think about sex, relationships, and the values that underpin them. But I’m not holding my breath.

While neo-prudism may be met with resistance from those who champion sexual freedom, its emphasis on the psychological and social benefits of stable, committed relationships offers a path forward for those seeking more profound and more meaningful connections in an increasingly disconnected world.

Be Well, Stay Kind, and Godspeed.


Buss, D. M. (2016). The evolution of desire: Strategies of human mating (4th ed.). Basic Books.

Perry, L. (2022). The case against the sexual revolution: A new guide to sex in the 21st century. Polity Press.

Wax, A. (2017). Race, wrongs, and remedies: Group justice in the 21st century. Rowman & Littlefield.

Wax, A. (2019). The perils of modern sexual norms: A return to tradition. National Affairs, 40, 53-70.

Weiss, B. (2019). How to fight anti-Semitism. Crown Publishing Group.

Flanagan, C. (2018). To Hell with All That: Loving and Loathing Our Inner Housewife. Little, Brown and Company.

Pinker, S. (2011). The better angels of our nature: Why violence has declined. Viking.


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