From Hookup Culture to Neo-Prudism: Are We Witnessing a Return to Romantic Restraint?

Friday, August 23, 2024.

The conversation around hookup culture, particularly in the context of feminism, has dominated discussions on modern relationships.

But could we be on the cusp of a cultural shift that sees a new prude ethos emerging, one that challenges the casual sexual norms of today?

As a couples therapist, this possibility isn't just intriguing—it's essential to understand the changing dynamics that could reshape how intimacy and commitment are approached in the coming years.

The Current Landscape: Hookup Culture and Feminism

The rise of hookup culture, bolstered by feminist ideals of sexual liberation and autonomy, has been a significant force in shaping the sexual behaviors of young adults.

Women, empowered by the feminist movement, have embraced the freedom to engage in casual sex without the constraints of traditional gender roles. As highlighted in the study by Martino et al. (2024), feminist beliefs are strongly linked to an endorsement of hookup culture among women, suggesting that feminism and casual sex go hand in hand.

However, as with any cultural trend, there are signs that the pendulum might be swinging in the opposite direction.

The New Prude Ethos: A Response to Hookup Culture?

In recent years, a growing number of voices on social media have begun to advocate for a return to more restrained sexual behaviors—what some might call a "new prude ethos."

This emerging trend appears to be a response to the emotional and psychological toll that hookup culture has taken on folks, particularly women. It also seems to align with a broader cultural shift towards mindfulness, self-care, and intentional living, where the emphasis is on quality over quantity in all aspects of life, including relationships.

One could speculate that this new prude ethos represents a backlash against the casualness of hookup culture, with individuals seeking deeper connections rather than fleeting encounters. This movement, still in its nascent stages, is gaining traction among those who feel that the emphasis on sexual liberation has overshadowed the need for emotional intimacy and long-term commitment.

Social Media as a Catalyst for Change

Evidence of this shift can be found across social media platforms, where discussions about the drawbacks of hookup culture and the benefits of more conservative sexual values are increasingly common.

On Reddit, for instance, threads in communities like r/NoFap and r/Purity have gained substantial followings, with users advocating for sexual restraint as a path to personal fulfillment and better mental health.

One Reddit user posted, "After years of casual hookups, I realized I wasn’t any happier. I was actually more anxious and disconnected. Choosing to wait for a real connection has made me feel more in control of my life." This sentiment echoes a growing narrative that casual sex may not be as fulfilling as once thought, and that perhaps the pendulum has swung too far in one direction.

On Twitter, hashtags like #ReclaimingPurity and #IntentionalLove are also gaining traction, with users promoting the idea that choosing to be more selective and intentional about sexual relationships is a form of empowerment in itself. One tweet reads, "Empowerment isn’t just about having the freedom to have casual sex; it’s also about having the strength to say no to what doesn’t serve you. #ReclaimingPurity."

Neo-Prudism: A Possible Cultural Shift

This emerging prude ethos, or "neo-prudism," could be seen as the next evolution in the ongoing conversation about gender, power, and sexuality.

While feminist ideals have championed sexual freedom, neo-prudism may represent a rebalancing act—one that values emotional depth and relational commitment as much as, if not more than, sexual liberation.

From a couples therapy perspective, this potential shift could have profound implications for how relationships are formed and maintained. As more individuals question the benefits of hookup culture and explore the emotional consequences of casual sex, we might see a resurgence in more traditional dating practices, where emotional intimacy and commitment are prioritized.

The Future of Relationships: Balancing Freedom and Restraint

The rise of neo-prudism doesn't necessarily mean the end of sexual freedom, but rather a call for a more balanced approach to intimacy.

It suggests that while the feminist movement has rightly championed the right to sexual autonomy, there is also a need to consider the emotional and psychological well-being of individuals within the context of their relationships.

As this new ethos gains momentum, couples may need to navigate a landscape where the norms of sexual behavior are once again in flux. The key will be in finding a balance between the freedom to explore one's sexuality and the desire for meaningful, committed relationships.

For those in couples therapy, understanding these shifting dynamics will be crucial in helping partners align their expectations and desires, ensuring that their relationship is built on mutual respect and shared values.

Final thoughts

The emergence of a new prude ethos as a potential counter-movement to hookup culture is a fascinating development that warrants close attention.

Whether this trend will supplant hookup culture remains to be seen, but the conversations happening on social media suggest that many are re-evaluating the impact of casual sex on their overall well-being.

As we move through interesting times, it might behoove us to integrate the lessons of both movements—recognizing the importance of sexual freedom while also acknowledging the need for emotional connection and relational stability. In the end, the healthiest relationships may be those that find harmony between these two seemingly opposing forces.

Be Well, Stay Kind, and Godspeed.


Martino, R. M., Roberts, S. R., Maheux, A. J., Stout, C. D., & Choukas-Bradley, S. (2024). The role of feminism and gender in endorsement of hookup culture among emerging adults. Archives of Sexual Behavior.

Reddit user. (2024). Comment on the thread "Why I’m done with casual hookups" on r/NoFap.

Twitter user. (2024). Tweet using the hashtag #ReclaimingPurity.


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