How do women flirt? …. the science!

Saturday, May 18, 2024.

When it comes to flirting, women have a secret weapon that men can instantly recognize.

This isn't just an ordinary smile or a neutral expression—it's a special look that sparks interest and sets off relationship fireworks.

According to researchers, the most effective flirting expression includes a head turned to one side, tilted down slightly, accompanied by a slight smile and eye contact.

When women use this expression, men can easily distinguish it from ordinary polite smiling or a neutral face.

Men Recognize This Flirting Signal Instantly

It's almost like magic. When women use this particular expression, men automatically start thinking about relationships and, yes, sex. The researchers found that this expression is powerful and immediately shifts men's thoughts in a romantic direction.

Interestingly, men generally struggle with reading facial expressions. They often misinterpret polite smiles as romantic interest, which can lead to some awkward situations. However, this flirting expression stands out, cutting through the confusion.

Compared to happy or neutral expressions, this particular look made men think about sex more often after seeing it. It's as if this expression flips a switch in their minds.

The Winning Formula

In the study, women, including professional actresses, were asked to pose various flirting expressions. One expression stood out as the most universally recognized by men as a flirting signal:

  • Head tilted down and held to one side.

  • Eyes turned towards the man.

  • A slight smile.

Compared to happy or neutral expressions, this particular look made men think about sex more frequently after seeing it. It seems this expression flips a mental switch, setting off thoughts of romance and intimacy.

Why It Works

Professor Gillath elaborated on the findings: “Our findings support the role of flirtatious expression in communication and mating initiation. For the first time, not only were we able to isolate and identify the expressions that represent flirting, but we were also able to reveal their function — to activate associations related with relationships and sex.”

This groundbreaking study was published in The Journal of Sex Research (Haj-Mohamadi et al., 2020), marking a significant step in understanding the science behind flirting and attraction. So next time you’re looking to send a clear signal, remember: a little tilt, a slight smile, and direct eye contact can go a long way.

The Science of Flirting: Unveiling the Ultimate Expression

Flirting is an art; women have a subtle yet powerful tool that men can instantly recognize. This isn't just your everyday smile or a neutral face—it's a specific expression that sparks interest and sets off romantic and sexual fireworks in men.

Men and Facial Expressions: A Complicated Relationship

It's no secret that men can often misinterpret facial expressions. They tend to over-read polite smiles as signs of romantic interest, leading to misunderstandings and, occasionally, embarrassing moments. However, this specific flirting expression cuts through the confusion. When women use it, men can distinguish it as a clear signal of interest, bypassing their usual difficulty with interpreting expressions.

Finally… A Study of Women Flirting?

This fascinating insight comes from a thorough study on flirting expressions led by Professor Omri Gillath. He emphasized, “There are very few scientific articles out there that have systematically studied this well-known phenomenon. None of these studies have identified the flirting facial expression and tested its effects.”

How the studies were conducted

In their research, Professor Gillath and his team conducted 6 detailed studies to identify the most effective flirting expressions.

He explained, “Across our six studies, we found most men could recognize a certain female facial expression as representing flirting. It has a unique morphology, and it’s different from expressions with similar features — for example, smiling — but aren’t identified by men as flirting expression.”

Implications and Applications

Understanding this flirting expression can have various practical applications. For instance, in social settings where people are looking to connect romantically, knowing and using this expression can help women send clear signals of interest. It can also aid in dating coaching, helping individuals improve their non-verbal communication skills.

The Art of Flirting: More Than Meets the Eye

While the research illuminates the effectiveness of a specific flirting expression, it also underscores the complexity of human interaction.

Flirting involves a mix of verbal and non-verbal cues, timing, and social context. This study adds a valuable piece to the puzzle, showing how a simple, well-timed expression can significantly impact.

So, next time you're in a social setting and want to send a clear signal of interest, remember the magic formula: a slight head tilt, a gentle smile, and direct eye contact. It’s a small gesture with a big impact, opening the door to potential romantic connections. And if you're a guy trying to decipher if she's interested, look for these subtle cues—they're more telling than you might think.

Be Well, Stay Kind, and Godspeed.


Haj-Mohamadi, P., Gillath, O., & Rosenberg, E. L. (2021). Identifying a Facial Expression of Flirtation and Its Effect on Men. The Journal of Sex Research, 58(2), 137–145.


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