The MAGA Narcissist’s Worst Nightmare: Fear of Being Laughed At (but Loving It Anyway)

Wednesday, October 16, 2024.

Welcome to 2024, where narcissism has evolved into its most dangerous and comical form: MAGA Narcissism. It’s loud, it’s proud, and—would you believe it?—terrified of being laughed at.

That’s right, beneath the red hats and American flag capes, these MAGA diehards are trembling at the mere thought that someone, somewhere, might be making fun of their country.

But don’t worry—they still love laughing at everyone else, especially those with names they can’t pronounce or countries they can’t find on a map.

A new study has just confirmed what we all suspected: People with inflated views of their country, like your Uncle Bob at Thanksgiving who can’t stop talking about America’s greatness, are the most afraid of being the butt of the joke.

The research, published in Personality and Individual Differences, shows that the more you think your country is God’s gift to the world, the more you fear others are laughing at it. And, surprise surprise, they also love ridiculing other nations.

MAGA Narcissism: The Fragile Patriot

Let’s be clear—this isn’t your garden-variety narcissism.

We’re talking about National Narcissism, the belief that your country is superior to all others and deserves endless praise.

In MAGA-land, this mindset is everywhere: from “America First” chants to backyard barbecues where Uncle Bob refuses to believe any country could possibly be better than the good ol' USA.

But here’s where it gets interesting: MAGA Narcissists are incredibly thin-skinned.

Just like your average narcissist who flips out at the slightest criticism, these National Narcissists go berserk at the hint of a joke about America. You dare poke fun at the United States? You must be an enemy of the people!

This new study, led by researchers Szczepańska, Marchlewska, and their team, surveyed large groups of Polish citizens (hey, it’s not just an American thing).

What they found was that people with high levels of National Narcissism are more likely to experience gelotophobia—the fear of being laughed at when it comes to their country. They’re also more likely to enjoy katagelasticismlaughing at other nations. Sound familiar? Perhaps not,, but you did learn 2 new scrabble words!

Laughing At Others, Not With Them: The MAGA Formula

It’s not just that MAGA folks can’t handle a joke about America.

They love dishing it out to everyone else.

The study revealed that National Narcissists take a twisted joy in mocking other countries.

It’s almost as if putting others down makes them feel better about their fragile sense of patriotism.

Think about it: how many times have you seen someone on social media tear down another nation’s culture, language, or political system—all while crying foul if anyone dares criticize America?

This phenomenon is called katagelasticism, or the enjoyment of laughing at others.

The more narcissistic you are about your country, the more you enjoy making fun of other nations.

It’s like the classic schoolyard bully who’s insecure about his own flaws, so he picks on others to feel better.

National Narcissists, especially in the MAGA crowd, are the geopolitical equivalent of that bully.

MAGA Narcissism and the Fear of Laughter

Now let’s get into the nitty-gritty of what this study found.

MAGA Narcissists experience a whole lot of gelotophobia—an irrational fear of being laughed at.

They walk around constantly worried that someone, somewhere, is making a joke about America, and it drives them nuts. It’s not that they can’t handle criticism; they can’t even handle lighthearted humor.

But here’s the kicker: the study also suggests that these same national narcissists might enjoy being laughed at under certain conditions.

I know, weird, right?

It’s a bit like a bad reality TV star who pretends to hate being roasted but secretly loves the attention.

As long as the spotlight’s on them, they don’t care if they’re being laughed with or at—they just need the attention. MAGA narcissists crave validation so badly, even ridicule starts to feel like a win.

Freud and Kant Would Have a Field Day with MAGA Narcissism

Sigmund Freud would probably diagnose MAGA Narcissism as a classic case of projection.

When MAGA fans mock other countries, it’s their own deep-seated insecurities speaking.

They’re terrified that others don’t see America as the global superstar they think it is, so they lash out by belittling other nations. It’s textbook narcissistic behavior.

Meanwhile, Immanuel Kant would be wagging his finger, saying that true patriotism should come from respect, not from tearing others down.

Kant believed morality was rooted in dignity and respect, not fragile egos and hypersensitivity to humor. In his view, if your love for your country is so fragile that you can’t take a joke, you’ve got some soul-searching to do.

Redefining Patriotism (or Lack Thereof) in MAGA Culture

So, where does this leave us in 2024, when MAGA Narcissism has become a national pastime for the weak-minded?

For starters, it means you can expect anyone with a fragile sense of national pride to completely lose it when you bring up a joke about America’s healthcare system, obesity rates, or, let’s be honest, the state of politics.

It also means we should rethink what it means to be a "patriot."

Real patriotism doesn’t require you to be so insecure about your country that you can’t handle a little ribbing.

True patriots can take a joke, see the flaws in their nation, and still love it. National Narcissism, on the other hand, demands constant praise, validation, and the suppression of any criticism—humor included.

National Narcissism: A Recipe for Perpetual Outrage

In the end, MAGA Narcissism is a recipe for endless outrage.

These folks are stuck in a cycle of hypersensitivity and projection, laughing at others while simultaneously trembling in fear that someone might poke fun at them. And the real kicker?

They may even enjoy the attention when they’re the butt of the joke—as long as they’re still the center of it all.

So next time you encounter a MAGA Narcissist losing their mind over a joke about America, just remember: they’re not angry, they’re scared.

Scared that you’re right. Scared that their inflated sense of national pride might come crashing down. And most of all, scared that the world might not see their MAGA movement as relevant after Trump goes to prison for Thanksgiving.

Be Well, Stay Kind, and Godspeed.


Szczepańska, D., Marchlewska, M., Rogoza, R., Podsiadłowski, W., Molenda, Z., Maciantowicz, O., & Klusek, D. (2024). The joke is on us? National narcissism and dispositions towards laughter. Personality and Individual Differences.


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