What is Under the Neurodiversity Umbrella?

Thursday, March 13, 2025.

The neurodiversity umbrella refers to the broad spectrum of neurological differences that exist within the human population.

It encompasses a wide range of conditions and cognitive variations, recognizing them as part of natural human diversity rather than as disorders that need to be fixed or cured.

The term neurodiversity itself, coined by sociologist Judy Singer in the 1990s, suggests that neurological differences should be acknowledged and respected like any other form of human variation.

Who Falls Under the Neurodiversity Umbrella?

The neurodiversity umbrella includes, but is not limited to, folks with:

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

  • Dyslexia

  • Dyspraxia (Developmental Coordination Disorder)

  • Dyscalculia

  • Dysgraphia

  • Tourette Syndrome

  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

  • Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD)

  • Intellectual Disabilities

  • Mental health differences (e.g., anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia)though their inclusion in the neurodiversity model is heavily debated.

  • Twice-Exceptional (2E) Folkssouls who are both gifted and neurodivergent.

Neurodiverse vs. Neurodivergent

  • Neurodiverse refers to a group that includes multiple neurotypes (e.g., a classroom with autistic, ADHD, and neurotypical students).

  • Neurodivergent describes an individual who diverges from the typical neurological baseline (e.g., a person with ADHD is neurodivergent).

I’m confident that I’ve gotten that wrong many times.

Why Is the Neurodiversity Umbrella Important? Because it:

  • Challenges the medical model that sees neurological differences as deficits.

  • Promotes accommodations and inclusion rather than forcing conformity to neurotypical standards.

  • Encourages strengths-based perspectives, highlighting the unique skills neurodivergent individuals bring.

  • Acknowledges lived experiences and the diversity of thinking, learning, and processing information.

Controversies and Debates

Some argue that severe forms of certain conditions (e.g., nonverbal autism, schizophrenia) require a medical approach rather than just societal acceptance.

The inclusion of mental illnesses in the neurodiversity umbrella is debated, as conditions like depression or bipolar disorder often cause significant distress.

Some critics believe the neurodiversity movement overlooks souls who need intensive support. I think that’s more than a bit unkind.

Because overall, the neurodiversity umbrella is still an evolving and expanding concept that seeks to foster understanding, reduce stigma, and advocate for better societal inclusion of all neurotypes.

Be Well, Stay Kind, and Godspeed.


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