Vision Boards: A Modern Cave Painting in the Journey of Love

Thursday, August 8, 2024.

Vision boards: The modern-day cave paintings where love’s dreams are drawn, and life’s magic begins.

As a couples therapist, I often encounter couples at various stages of their relationships, each with unique challenges and aspirations.

One tool that has gained popularity in recent years is the vision board—a collage of images, words, and symbols representing the goals and dreams a person or couple hopes to achieve.

While some dismiss vision boards as mere "magical thinking," I see them as a modern echo of ancient practices like cave painting, imbued with the power to focus the mind and transform intentions into reality.

Vision Boards: Beyond Magical Thinking

Magical thinking is often viewed with skepticism, especially in the realm of therapy. However, when we delve into the psychology behind vision boards, we discover that they are not just about wishful thinking but rather a powerful tool for goal setting and manifestation. Vision boards help couples articulate their shared dreams and visualize their path forward. This practice can foster a sense of unity and purpose, aligning both partners toward common objectives.

When a couple creates a vision board, they engage in a process that is both introspective and collaborative. They must discuss and agree on what they want to achieve together, whether it’s buying a home, traveling, starting a family, or simply improving communication.

The act of selecting images, words, and symbols that resonate with their shared vision is a form of mental rehearsal, reinforcing their commitment to these goals.

This mental rehearsal can be likened to the cognitive processes involved in magical thinking, where the belief in an outcome increases the likelihood of it coming to fruition—except, in this case, it’s rooted in intentionality and action.

The Ancient Art of Cave Painting

To understand the deeper significance of vision boards, it’s worth considering their parallels with ancient practices like cave painting. Our ancestors used cave paintings as a means of communication, storytelling, and even to invoke success in hunting and survival.

These early forms of art were not merely decorative; they served a purpose. The images of animals, hunts, and rituals were believed to bring forth the desired outcomes by focusing the collective mind of the tribe.

Similarly, vision boards serve as a modern form of storytelling, where couples paint the picture of their desired future. Just as the cave paintings were imbued with the hopes and fears of the community, vision boards capture the aspirations and concerns of the couple.

By placing their vision board in a prominent place, couples create a constant reminder of their goals, much like how cave paintings were likely revisited as a reminder of what was to be achieved.

Historical Examples of Focused Mindset

Throughout history, there have been numerous examples of how a focused mindset and visualization have led to significant achievements.

Consider the story of ancient Greek athletes, who used mental rehearsal as part of their training. They visualized their performance in detail, which helped them improve their actual physical performance. This practice of mental visualization is remarkably similar to the modern use of vision boards.

Another historical example is the use of talismans and amulets in various cultures.

These objects were often inscribed with symbols and kept close to the person for protection, success, and prosperity. The belief in the power of these objects helped individuals focus their minds on their desired outcomes, much like how vision boards help couples concentrate on their goals.

In more recent history, we see the power of a focused mindset in the lives of successful humans. Thomas Edison, for instance, is known to have kept journals filled with sketches, ideas, and plans. These journals were a physical manifestation of his vision and helped him stay focused on his inventive goals. Similarly, Oprah Winfrey has spoken about using vision boards to map out her personal and professional aspirations, crediting them with helping her achieve her dreams.

Focusing the Mind: The Power of Visualization

The power of vision boards lies in their ability to focus the mind. In a world full of distractions, it’s easy for couples to lose sight of their goals and become entangled in the day-to-day challenges of life. A vision board acts as a focal point, reminding couples of what truly matters to them. It’s a visual anchor that keeps their dreams alive and in focus.

Research in psychology supports the idea that visualization can enhance performance and goal attainment. Athletes, for example, often use visualization techniques to mentally rehearse their movements and strategies, leading to improved outcomes.

In relationships, visualization through vision boards can enhance a couple’s ability to achieve their shared goals.

When both partners are on the same page—literally and figuratively—they are more likely to work together effectively, supporting each other’s growth and aspirations.

Creating Your Vision Board: A Step-by-Step Guide

For those inspired to create their own vision board, here’s a step-by-step guide to get started:

  • Set Your Intentions: Begin by discussing your goals as a couple. What do you want to achieve together? Be specific and clear about your intentions.

  • Gather Materials: Collect magazines, print images from the internet, and gather any other materials that inspire you. You’ll need scissors, glue, and a large piece of poster board.

  • Select Images and Words: Choose images, words, and symbols that resonate with your goals. These should evoke positive emotions and a sense of excitement about the future.

  • Arrange Your Vision Board: Arrange the images and words on the poster board in a way that feels right to you. There’s no right or wrong way to do this—let your creativity flow.

  • Display Your Vision Board: Place your vision board somewhere you’ll see it every day. This could be in your bedroom, office, or even in your living room. The key is to keep your goals front and center in your mind.

  • Review and Update: As your goals evolve, don’t hesitate to update your vision board. It’s a living document that should grow and change as you do.

Vision Boards as a Ritual of Connection

In essence, creating a vision board is a ritual of connection—a practice that brings couples closer together as they articulate and visualize their shared dreams.

It’s a form of co-creation that taps into the same human desire to shape our reality that our ancestors expressed through cave paintings.

By engaging in this practice, couples not only clarify their goals but also deepen their bond, as they are reminded daily of the journey they are on together.

So, while vision boards might seem like just another trend, they hold within them the echoes of ancient traditions and the potential for profound personal and relational growth.

When done with intention and care, they become a powerful tool for couples to manifest their dreams and navigate the complexities of life together during historically uncertain times.

By drawing on the ancient wisdom of cave painting and blending it with the modern practice of vision boards, couples can harness the power of visualization to create a future that is not only imagined but also realized. I. love this visual positivity!

Be Well, Stay Kind, and Godspeed.


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