This one trait in your partner could increase your odds of reaching the age of 85 by 70%

Sunday, August 13, 2023.

If your partner is a raging optimist, that will increase the likelihood that you’ll reach the age of 85 by up to 70 %!

Optimism is perhaps the single healthiest traits to have in a partner, according to research.

Humans who are fortunate to persuade a raging optimist to marry them will not only live longer, they’ll also enjoy a reduced risk of cognitive decline, and even dementia.

It’s no surprise that optimists are the epicenter of low-level, functional bliss. optimistic humans themselves tend to live a measurably longer life. Indeed, being optimistic can increase the odds of reaching 85-years-old by up to 70 percent.

Why is optimism so powerful?

Critically, optimists believe they can control their lives and make improvements. While pessimists often hold a more realistic assessment, the optimist maximizes agency and self-help.

While having the trait of optimism is a blend of family-of -origin dynamics and genetic bestowal, it is also true that optimism can be cultivated over time. For example we know that imagining how your “best possible self” would handle a difficult situation ahead of time can be a useful if not profound reframe.

“We spend a lot of time with our partners. They might encourage us to exercise, eat healthier or remind us to take our medicine. When your partner is optimistic and healthy, it can translate to similar outcomes in your own life. You actually do experience a rosier future by living longer and staving off cognitive illnesses.”

How the study was conducted

This research study was longitudinal. They tracked over 4000 couples 4,457 to be precise), for up to eight years.

  • Dr Chopik explained the importance of the research findings:

“We found that when you look at the risk factors for what predicts things like Alzheimer’s disease or dementia, a lot of them are things like living a healthy lifestyle. Maintaining a healthy weight and physical activity are large predictors.There are some physiological markers as well. It looks like people who are married to optimists tend to score better on all of those metrics.”

  • Optimistic people tend to create a healthier environment at home

“There’s a sense where optimists lead by example, and their partners tend to follow their lead. While there’s some research on people being jealous of their partner’s good qualities or on having bad reactions to someone trying to control you, it is balanced with other research that shows being optimistic is associated with perceiving your relationship in a positive light.”

Dr. Chopik said humans can choose to become more optimistic if they prefer to do so:

“There are studies that show people have the power to change their personalities, as long as they engage in things that make them change. Part of it is wanting to change. There are also intervention programs that suggest you can build up optimism.”

The addition virtue of conscientiousness

This research on optimism reminds me that other research has also emphasized the value of having long with being optimistic, studies also show that having a highly conscientious partner leads to a significant increase in relational satisfaction and stability.

Humans who are conscientious are more considerably more prudent, cautious, thorough, efficient and self-disciplined. They are bottom-line results oriented.

Previous research conscientious humans also tend to live longer. In fact, highly conscientious humans may live an average of two to four years longer than their sloppier peers.

Conscientious humans also value their health, and the process of healthy aging. Consequently, are less likely to turn substances to manage stress.


Oh,J, WJ, Kim, ES. the association between actor/partner optimism and cognitive functioning among older couples. Journal of Personality, 2020; 88: 822-832 12529


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