The psychological impact of working with Artificial Intelligence Systems

Sunday, July 7, 2024.

As artificial intelligence (AI) systems become increasingly integrated into workplaces, understanding their psychological effects on employees is crucial.

Research indicates that folks working extensively with AI are more likely to experience loneliness, which can lead to mental health issues such as increased alcohol consumption after work and insomnia. Geez…

AI and Loneliness: Global Findings

A series of experiments conducted in multiple countries revealed a consistent trend: employees working with AI systems reported higher levels of loneliness. This pattern was observed among diverse groups, including:

  • 166 engineers at a Taiwanese biomedical company

  • 126 real estate consultants at an Indonesian firm

  • 214 U.S. workers surveyed online

  • 294 employees at a Malaysian tech company

Across these varied demographics, the conclusion was clear: frequent interaction with AI systems correlates with heightened feelings of loneliness.

The Ripple Effects: Alcohol Use and Insomnia

The study also found that loneliness induced by working with AI could lead to increased after-work alcohol consumption and sleep disturbances. These findings underscore the importance of addressing the social needs of employees in AI-integrated work environments.

Enhancing Social Interactions

Dr. Pok Man Tang, who transitioned from working with AI systems at an investment bank to researching their effects, highlighted the dual nature of AI's impact. While AI advancements bring significant benefits, they also pose uncharted risks, including detrimental mental and physical health consequences for employees. Tang emphasizes the social nature of humans and warns against the isolating effects of AI systems on workers’ personal lives.

Recommendations for Mitigating Negative Effects

To counteract the negative psychological impacts of AI, Dr. Tang suggests several strategies:

  1. Integrating Social Features in AI Systems: AI developers should consider incorporating features that promote social interaction.

  2. Encouraging Workplace Socialization: Employers should foster environments where employees can socialize and limit excessive reliance on AI systems.

  3. Implementing Mindfulness Programs: Introducing mindfulness and other positive interventions can help alleviate feelings of loneliness.

Finding Meaning in Work

Interestingly, while AI is often seen as a solution to monotonous tasks, not all employees find routine work unfulfilling. This is most likely a hegemony of the highly intelligent. But it takes all sorts of brains to run our world.

Let’s humbly remember that some folks find routines meaningful when aligned with their values. This highlights the importance of considering individual preferences and values when integrating AI into work processes.

Be Well, Stay Kind, and Godspeed.


Tang, P. M., Koopman, J., Mai, K. M., De Cremer, D., Zhang, J. H., Reynders, P., Ng, C. T. S., & Chen, I-H. (2023). No person is an island: Unpacking the work and after-work consequences of interacting with artificial intelligence. Journal of Applied Psychology, 108(11), 1766–1789.


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