What is Spontaneous Trait Transference?

Tuesday, April 2, 2024.

Ever heard of Spontaneous Trait Transference? It's a bit of a quirky psychological phenomenon that's worth knowing about….

Basically, when you're chatting with someone and you say nice things about others, it turns out you're actually boosting your own image without even realizing it. It's like a secret bonus for being kind.

So, here's the scoop. If you're busy praising others for being genuine and kind, your acquaintance is likely to think, "Hey, this person must be pretty genuine and kind too!" It's like spreading good vibes and having them bounce back to you.

The study’s authors write: “…trait transference is not simply a tendency to attribute negative characteristics to those who disparage others, or to ascribe positive characteristics to those who compliment others. Rather, communicators are ascribed the very traits implied by their descriptions of others.”

But, and here's the flip side, if you're caught up in gossip and negativity, well, let's just say it's not doing you any favors. Even if everyone knows you're not a cheat or a liar, simply mentioning those traits about someone else can make them wonder.

Now, these findings aren't just pulled out of thin air. Nope, they come from some solid research involving plenty of people. They watched videos, listened to conversations, and guess what? The results were clear as day: what you say about others can stick to you like glue.

The authors conclude that: “It suggests that gossip and other forms of social discourse may have rather surprising, and often unintended, implications for a communicator. Thus, it supports the cliche that if one cannot say something nice about someone, one ought not to say anything at all. It also indicates that self presenters may achieve desired trait attributions merely by talking about others who have the desired traits.”

So, the takeaway? If you want to leave a positive impression, start by spreading positivity.

It's like a low-effort way to boost your own reputation. It doesn’t take much to remember to be kind, see kindness, and appreciate kindness.

And hey, if you can't find something nice to say, maybe it's best to just shut up. After all, nobody wants to be known as the town gossip, right?

Be well, Stay Kind, and Godspeed.


Skowronski JJ, Carlston DE, Mae L, Crawford MT. Spontaneous trait transference: communicators taken on the qualities they describe in others. J Pers Soc Psychol. 1998 Apr;74(4):837-48. doi: 10.1037//0022-3514.74.4.837. PMID: 9569648.


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